Orange County NC Website
21. The Applicant shall comply with all uniform gran[ administration requirements required by State and Federal <br />statutes, rules and regulations, including but no[ limited [o, [he Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and <br />Emergency assistance Act, Public Law 93-288, as amended, Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, <br />applicable OMB Circulars, and policy guidance issued by [he Federal Emergency Management Agency <br />(FEMA). ,~ <br />22. If the Applicant pays contractors, subcontractors or consultants with funds provided through this Agreement, <br />then the Applicant shall include language in all contracts that binds the contractor, subcontractor or consultant <br />to the terms and conditions of this Agreement with the State. Contractual arrangements with contractors, <br />subcontractors or consultants.shall in no way relieve the Applicant of its responsibilities to ensure that all funds <br />provided through this~Agreement are administered in accordance with all State and Federal requirements. <br />., _..._.....a eta/n~ Paa~ 3 nr7 Rcv. 06/01 <br />