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Planning Director Craig Benedict made general comments about this agenda item. He <br />said that the six items on the public hearing have to da with economic development districts and <br />some work that has been conducted by a joint task force of individuals from Orange County and <br />Hillsborough. Since February 2000, two County Commissioners, two Hillsborough Commissioners, <br />the Economic Development Director, the Hillsborough Planning Director and the Orange County <br />Planning Director have held meetings twice a month to discuss the area near old NC 86, new NC <br />86, I-85, and I-40, which totals 800 acres. This has been designated an the County's land use plan <br />since 1994 as an economic development district. Discussions with the Town of Hillsborough <br />indicated that the present standards were inadequate to handle development in that general area. <br />Based an the first few months of input, both the Town of Hillsborough and Orange County created <br />some moratoria areas within the County. Areas within Hillsborough had afour-month moratorium <br />and areas within Orange County had asix-month moratorium. He showed the moratoria areas that <br />were up for discussion. The moratorium has been released in Hillsborough based on <br />recommendations from the task force. The interest of the task force was to make sure that the <br />economic development districts are viable, aesthetic, and would improve the general area. <br />Craig Benedict explained each of the six items on the public hearing. The first item has to do <br />with the creation of a limited office district. It is a text amendment and has nothing to da with <br />anyone's property. The second item has to do with the creation of an Economic Development <br />Special Entranceway District. The third item has to do with the actual rezoning of land shown as <br />3a and 3b to Limited Office. The fourth item is an extension of the six-month moratorium, which <br />would have expired in January 2001 for areas A one and two. The extension of the moratorium is <br />to April 2001. This extension would be to a time certain. The fifth item is some new regulatory <br />standards. The Economic Development District Design Manual has been in effect since 1994 far <br />the entire area that is within the economic development district in area A. After discussions with <br />the task force and the general public, it was decided that the existing manual was laborious and <br />difficult to understand. The task force is recommending that the manual be abridged to something <br />more understandable. The sixth item is a continuation of the public hearing that was held on <br />November 27t" and has to do with the subdivision of property in non-residential lands. This item <br />suggests that subdivisions have larger lot sizes rather than the undefined minimum that was in the <br />previous manual. This would reduce access points to old NC 86 and new NC 86. The task force <br />has also suggested a balance of different uses for the economic district by creating some different <br />categories of land use and zoning. He said that this entire area was developed as retail, which <br />would have been permitted under the existing economic development design standards. Over <br />100,000 cars would be generated from the 800 acres. Anyone who owns property that is zoned to <br />the Limited Office district could, by right, bring a proposal directly to the staff and would not have to <br />go through a legislative process for approval. <br />Any testimony ar written information after tonight's meeting can be submitted to the staff to be <br />distributed to the Planning Board at their next meeting. <br />Commissioner Jacobs spoke as a member of the task force that worked on this project. He <br />said that the task force tried to make the standards the same for Hillsborough's and Orange <br />County's jurisdiction. The task force has tried to accomplish master planning. They have tried to <br />make this clear, simple, and flexible. This is an effort to create a supposition of certain kinds of <br />activities taking place and a somewhat streamlined process to enable them to do so. The task <br />force has tried to accent environmental issues, especially preservation of open space, how we <br />define buffers, transportation, and connectivity. The task force has talked about having 20% retail, <br />25% officelflex space, 15°~ residential, 35% office, and 5°~ miscellaneous. One of the thrusts is to <br />try and promote mixed use. Even with the office areas, they tried to include eating facilities within <br />those uses so that people will not have to drive somewhere in order to eat and add to the traffic <br />peak. The general sense is that this has been a rewarding and cooperative venture with <br />Hillsborough. <br />a. Creation of an "EDDILimited Office" zoning district in the Urange County permitted <br />use zoning tables. The new district would permit primarily community and regional <br />office development with accessary restaurants. <br />