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Commissioner Brown questioned a plan taking a year to develop and asked what is going to <br />happen with the growth in the Efland area. John Link said that Paul Thames is ready to begin <br />developing the plan for the citizens that were expecting help with sewer systems using the bond <br />funds. <br />Commissioner Jacobs feels that there is more of a sense of urgency in making some <br />decisions on the overwhelming impact of growth in the Efland area. He feels we need to find out if <br />there is water first. We cannot promote higher density development if we do not have water. He <br />agrees that we need to make a determination in less than a year about the development in the <br />Efland area. <br />Craig Benedict said that he will have a recommendation to the County Commissioners in <br />March 2Q01 about development in the Efland area and will present at that time any <br />recommendations that involve changes in land use or rezoning for the May 2Q01 quarterly public <br />hearing. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if Craig Benedict would include, as a part of objective two, a <br />timeline for a meeting with Orange-Alamance. Craig Benedict said that this meeting should take <br />place in January. The County Manager was asked to facilitate the process of setting up a meeting <br />with Orange-Alamance. A letter was sent to Orange-Alamance from the County, but there has <br />been no response. <br />Urban Rural Boundaries <br />Commissioner Brown asked if we had a joint meeting on the calendar with the Town of <br />Hillsborough and Chair Halkiotis said no. <br />Chair Halkiotis suggested bringing the two small planning groups and the two staffs together <br />and report to both elected groups on the success of the subgroup. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the proposal for the Upper Eno watershed. Craig <br />Benedict said that a survey was forwarded to the Commissioners to get some additional input. He <br />said that there were a few different ways to achieve what the County is trying to achieve {i.e., <br />density reduction, density transfers, etc.). He is suggesting that with transfer of development rights <br />that the County seek a firm that has worked with Huntersville, which is trying to transfer densities <br />within watersheds. <br />Commissioner Brown asked where we are in the timeframe for any recommendation about <br />Cheeks Township, the Upper Eno watershed, etc. <br />Chair Halkiotis made reference to the workload in the Planning Department. He asked Craig <br />Benedict to do a chart showing everything his department is trying to accomplish at this time. He <br />suggested that a significant part of the agenda for the possible work session on January 29t" be <br />reserved to listening to a report an the Planning Department. <br />Transfer of Development Rights <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to Transfer of Development Rights {TDR) and said <br />that this is something the Smart Growth Committee is discussing. He made reference to <br />Huntersville and said that we should not focus on their successes and failures. He said that it was <br />perfectly within the County's purview to transfer density from one place to another. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill said that he could write a letter to Craig Benedict and copy the <br />Commissioners regarding the work session presentation. <br />Public School Impact TaxlFee <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the Public School Impact TaxlFee and noted that it <br />does not say anywhere in this goal that the County Commissioners will continue to seek legislative <br />authority to change the impact fee to an impact tax. He said that this should be an ongoing goal. <br />Craig Benedict will add this to the goal. <br />Regional Transportation Planning <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page two and the statement, "Coordinate with <br />Orange County local government jurisdictions to provide an ongoing comprehensive transportation <br />