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Vic Knight asked that Hillsborough be allowed to go forward with any proposals rather <br />than waiting until the end of the County's moratorium. <br />Brent Bocook is an attorney and the developer of the Gateway Oaks project, which is <br />approximately 115 acres and four parcels between I-40 and NC 86. He said that he appreciates <br />the work that the EDD task force has done, but there are some conflicting interests. He said that <br />he started assembling land at this area because they knew this was an EDD area. One reason <br />they purchased this property was because of the very fact that this property was already zoned by <br />right. They understand that as long as they are in conformance with the EDD manual that that was <br />all that was necessary. He distributed information on the project that they are working an at this <br />time. The project was submitted January 24, 2000. When they submitted this project they took <br />extreme caution in developing this to stay in conformance with the EDD manual. He read from the <br />EDD manual and the permitted uses. He said that this project is not asking for any different type of <br />use than is already allowed in the EDD. This project would also be in conformance with the <br />proposed new EDD design manual. He feels that there is an issue of fairness in that they <br />submitted this prior to the moratorium being passed. The town was working an the annexation of <br />this property when the moratorium was placed on this area. One of the issues is that when you <br />create a moratorium, it is actually a taking of property without just compensation. He requested <br />that the Board consider not including their particular project in this moratorium for the following <br />reasons: (1) they submitted their project prior to the moratorium, and {2} they have assembled <br />these four lots. <br />Kennon Barden also spoke about the Gateway Oaks project, which is office development <br />as allowed in the EDD manual currently. He said that they were in conformance with the current <br />EDD. He asked that the moratorium not be extended so that they could be allowed to continue <br />their work an this EDD. He would like to continue the process of annexation of this property to the <br />Town of Hillsborough. <br />Allen Addison showed where he and his wife live. They have been an hold for several <br />years to do some repairs and renovation of their home. If the moratorium includes his property, it <br />may never get developed because they will proceed to do renovations. He made reference to the <br />letter that he sent to the Town of Hillsborough. He asked that the County Commissioners give fair <br />consideration of exempting this parcel from the moratorium. <br />Jessie Kaufman just bought some property 2110 of a mile south on old NC 86 from the <br />area under consideration. They would like to start clearing a road to a site they will use for a <br />school. <br />Barry Katz asked Mr. Borden if he owns any land in the proposed area and Mr. Barden <br />said that he does not own the land at the present time. <br />Regarding the issue of fairness, Commissioner Jacobs said that Hillsborough has <br />repeatedly pointed out that they asked for more detail and more planning on the Gateway Oaks <br />project and did not receive it. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />accept the staff and public input into the public hearing record, and to refer item C1 d to the <br />Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of County Commissioners na <br />sooner than January 18, 2001. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. Amendments to the Oranae County Economic Develoament District [EDD) Desian <br />Manual related to the I-401r31d NC86 and I-85tNC86 economic development district <br />to include abridging and revising the manual to cite more objective standards of <br />review in the areas of performance standard, landscaping, buffers, parking lighting, <br />setbacks and architecture. These standards would be used in site plan review of <br />Craig Benedict said that this was an abridged version of the existing manual. The volume <br />ratios are deleted and replaced with guidelines about building and parking area volumes. <br />