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determined that he was not within the 5Q0-foot area. He asked about the notification to citizens far <br />projects in areas bordering whatever is being built. Craig Benedict said that if the properly goes <br />through a rezoning, there is a public hearing and two other meetings. <br />Pete Landfer lives in Wildwood and asked about the traffic that may be generated. Craig <br />Benedict said that presently there is no public right-of-way connecting old NC 86 and new NC86. <br />When a project is submitted, that will be the basis for dedicating right-of-way between those two <br />corridors. This will be required for all plans submitted in that corridor. <br />Commissioner Gordan asked what the Economic Development District Review <br />Committee is and Craig Benedict said that this was a development review committee that was <br />made up of the Economic Development Director, the County Engineer, the Planning Director, and <br />a member of project staff. When a project comes in, the staff meets with the Economic <br />Development Review Committee and if the project meets the design manual, it will be approved by <br />the review committee. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Brawn to <br />accept the staff and public input into the public hearing record, and to refer item C1 c to the <br />Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of County Commissioners no <br />sooner than January 18, 20Q1. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Time period extension for the EDD moratoria area near I-401O1d NC$6, and I-851O1d <br />NC86. These parcels include approximately 768 acres and were noted on the June <br />6, 2000 moratorium maps as parcels A, 1 and 2. The extension is proposed from <br />the original 6-month period ending January 2001 to April 2001 where the <br />moratorium will expire on said parcels. The Orange CountylHillsborough <br />Economic Development District task force is conducting open meetings on a <br />regular basis to complete its amendments to the EDD guidelines and regulations. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Gordon, Craig Benedict said that the <br />moratorium ended and development proposals have begun to come forward under the new <br />regulations for these areas as identified. We are now focusing our attention on Al and 2. We are <br />on a course to make recommendations within the next two months with final adoption in early April <br />in advance of the expiration of the moratorium. The first four months of the moratorium focused on <br />I-85 and NC 86. The Town Attorney and the County Attorney spent time on 3A and 3B because <br />that is where the focus of the work was. The County needs a few months to study and make <br />recommendations on how they will be addressing master plan issues and processes. <br />Barry Katz said that he understands that Hillsborough is providing water and sewer lines. <br />Craig Benedict said that with Hillsborough's new reservoir that is coming on line, the Town feels <br />that they will have adequate water for this area. With some modification to their sewer plant, they <br />will be able to provide sewer service to this area. Hillsborough realizes that they will have to focus <br />their infrastructure to this EDD area. It will be beneficial to Hillsborough to run lines to a <br />concentrated area. <br />Public Comment <br />Vic Knight asked about adoption of what has been presented tonight. Craig Benedict <br />said that a Quarterly public hearing is scheduled for February 26. It is the intent that the Economic <br />Development manual will be the same for the County and Hillsborough so the standards will be the <br />same. He said that Hillsborough did indicate that their moratorium has ended. However, <br />Hillsborough will not approve any development proposals until the County has lifted their <br />moratorium. He asked if a proposal has already been submitted, if the County Commissioners <br />could go ahead and review and approve it so that it will not be held up until April. <br />