Minutes - 12-09-2000
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 12-09-2000
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Chair Halkiotis said that he would like to see two County Cammissianers working with <br />Craig Benedict in developing and looking at transportation issues in Orange County. Commissioner <br />Gordon and Commissioner Jacobs will serve an this task force. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs that the <br />Board of County Commissioners will appoint members to the Research Triangle Regional <br />Partnership. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />4. Upcoming Meeting with Duke Officials <br />Chair Halkiotis, Commissioner Jacobs, and David Stancil started visiting Duke officials <br />about a year and a half ago. The meetings were as a result of the County's purchase of the land on <br />US 70, which was a satellite piece of Duke property that they wanted to sell. Duke wanted to offer the <br />land first to the County before making it available to the private market. The meeting will be <br />December 21 Sc and Commissioner Jacobs and Chair Halkiotis will attend. <br />5. BOCC Meeting Seating Arrangements <br />The Board agreed that seating will be rotated for each meeting except that Commissioner <br />Brown will not rotate at the Southern Human Services Center for regular meetings. <br />6. Review of Work Session List <br />G. Review of Input from Advisory Boards/Commissions <br />Adult Care Home Advisory Board -Cherie Rosemond, Chair <br />Cherie Rosemond said the Adult Care Home Advisory Board has lost three longstanding <br />members and is recruiting for new members. Because of their shortage of members, they have had <br />to decrease their visitations to the homes far the developmentally delayed and this has been <br />distressing to them. A nice addition has been Commissioner Brown's help in focussing their efforts. <br />They have talked with the DSS Board and the Health Board and Sanitation Board to try and <br />encourage them to be on schedule in visiting homes. They have seen a turnover in the caregivers <br />each year of about 140%. This year there are additional problems with the operators of the homes <br />changing hands frequently. She said that they need the County Commissioners' help with <br />recognizing those homes that are doing a good jab and to penalize those not providing a high quality <br />of care. She will send the County Commissioners information on an Ordinance that may help to <br />move forward their efforts in regulating the homes. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that when this came up before he had asked the Attorney to come <br />back with information on what statutory authority the County has. <br />She spoke about what was happening at Willow Springs. <br />Commissioner Brown said that the evaluations of the homes should be easier to access on the <br />County's website. She would like to move forward with an ordinance to regulate the homes. <br />Commissioner Jacobs is pleased that there is coordination with other boards. He said that it <br />sounds like we are treating people better who are in our jails than those who are in our nursing <br />homes. He thinks the Board needs to be more assertive about this issue. He asked about health <br />inspections and Cherie Rosemond said that the inspections are supposed to be unannounced. <br />Chair Halkiotis noted that this is a very important item that we need to keep on the front <br />burner. <br />Advisory Board on Aging -Florence Soltys, Chair <br />Florence Soltys said that the Aging Board appreciates Commissioner Jacobs' participation on <br />that Board. She asked that the County Cammissianers approve the Master Aging Plan so that the <br />committee can move forward with implementation. She read the goals of the Advisory Board on <br />Aging: <br />
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