Minutes - 12-09-2000
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 12-09-2000
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Rosemary Summers said that one thing they seem to experience each year is the outbreak of <br />one disease or another. There is an increase in TB cases, which take extra time to treat. <br />Commissioner Brown said that the number reflects the vaccinations that were needed for the <br />different outbreaks. Rosemary Summers said that there is something every year that keeps those <br />numbers going. Every year the number of communicable diseases is high but it is for different things. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that these problems are not going to go away with the increase of <br />immigrants into this country. <br />Arts Commission -Jeffrey Cohen, Chair <br />Jeffrey Cohen said that while the issues they deal with are very different than the other boards <br />and commissions, the arts are very important to Orange County and its citizens. As time has gone <br />by, they have taken an a larger mission to promote the arts to make connections between artists, <br />organizations, and the citizens of Orange County. One of the major things they accomplished this <br />year is that they have taken their newsletter and partnered with the Herald Sun and expanded their <br />circulation from 2,000 to 25,000. They plan to have a centrally located arts center next year. They <br />are looking for an environment where artists can keep portfolios, where artists can keep their work, <br />and a central point where people can come and we can help grow the artist community in Orange <br />County. They have on their agenda next week about using the Southern Human Services Center for <br />hanging pictures in that facility. One of their other big goals is to promote the arts in the County to <br />people outside of the County - a kind of Chamber of Commerce for the arts. They have started <br />working with the Chapel Hill Visitor's Bureau. They will be looking at creative ways for promoting the <br />arts in Orange County. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Brown, Jeff Cohen said that one of the grants they <br />receive is the Grass Roots grant and the other money comes from Orange County. In choosing their <br />recipients, the only criteria which is different is that in order to receive Grass Roots money, an <br />organization must be a 501 (c} 3 agency. <br />Chair Halkiotis encouraged the Arts Commission to work with Pam Jones an risk management <br />issues associated with hanging artwork in the Southern Human Services Center. He also <br />encouraged them to consider displaying artwork outside of buildings. <br />Commissioner Brown suggested that next year the Arts Commission come back with a report <br />on what other governments do in terms of art when public buildings are built. <br />H. Discussion Of TOPICS Not Already Addressed Through Discussion Of Proposed Goals <br />1. Fairview Park Ballfield (see Appendix 7 in notebook) <br />John Link said that the County and Hillsborough staff and officials have been working on <br />this. The sail tests revealed that there was not any significant contamination in the area. The <br />estimated cost of fixing the field is $30,000. The staff needs the Board's authorization in concept so <br />they can proceed with bids. The funds will come from the County's CIP funds designated for Fairview <br />Park. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Brown to: <br />• Endorse in concept the construction of an improved playing field at Fairview Park; and <br />• Authorize staff to proceed with the "Field of Dreams" improvement project; and <br />• Direct staff to use County and Town trucks to haul fill material from the Eubanks Road <br />landfill to the extent feasible: and <br />• Solicit bids on required contract work; and <br />• Authorize the Manager to execute contracts with the responsive low bidders} for all <br />components of the work, total not to exceed $30,000; and to initiate construction. <br />VOTE: UNANMIOUS <br />2. Soccer Facilities -Delayed <br />
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