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,v -ol_ Zad3 <br />~~ <br />Human Relations Commission, which is interested in Orange County adopting a Model Employers <br />.Program. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve <br />renewal of employee health insurance plans with the NCACC Health Insurance Trust and CIGNA for <br />coverage effective January 1, 2004 and to adopt the attached health insurance rates for coverage <br />effective January 1, 2004 including continuing the dependent subsidy at 52 percent. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />I. Land Use Plan Amendment to Incorporate Water and Sewer Management Planning <br />and Boundary Agreement and Map <br />The Board considered adoption of a proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of the <br />Orange County Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the Water and Sewer Management, Planning and <br />Boundary Agreement and Map. <br />Craig Benedict said that this map has been incorporated into the joint planning agreement <br />with Chapel Hill and Carrboro. This item will insert the map into the countywide land use plan, which would <br />apply to other areas of the County (Hillsborough, Efland). <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for clarification on siting the Central Public Facilities. She <br />wants to know whether you can site a school within the interest areas. Geof Gledhill said that a school <br />could be sited within the interest areas. She said that the way she reads this is that a school could go <br />outside the water and sewer boundary. <br />Geof Gledhill said that this is exactly right and that public schools can be located in interest <br />areas pursuant to this agreement. There would be a process to develop criteria for doing that. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve <br />the proposed amendments consistent with the Planning Board recommendation. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />o. Whitted Human Services Center Renovation -Progress Report and Request for <br />Authorization for Additional Debt Funding to Complete the Project <br />The Board considered the status of the Whitted Human Services Center (WHSC) renovation <br />project and authorization for additional $475,000 debt funding to complete the project; and directed staff to <br />include this amount in the updated five year plan for the issuance of County bonds and alternative <br />financing, to be presented during the October 27, 2003 Capital investment Plan work session; and <br />authorize the Manager or his designee to contract with vendors for the referenced renovation work <br />(painting, flooring, etc.) when that work exceeds the $20, 000 threshold for Board approval, except that <br />amounts exceeding $50,000 would need Board approval. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this has been worked on by staff at her request to give a <br />project cost summary. She said that the amount of money went down a little, but it does show where the <br />costs were exceeded. The only other question is if there is any other source of funding besides alternative <br />financing. <br />Budget Director Donna Dean said that there is no other available money. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the expenditure of an additional $475,000 to cover costs associated with the completion of the <br />Whitted Center renovation; and direct staff to include this amount in the updated five year plan for the <br />issuance of County bonds and alternative financing, to be presented during the October 27, 2003 Capital <br />Investment Plan work session; and authorize the Manager or his designee to contract with vendors for the <br />referenced renovation work (painting, flooring, etc.) when that work exceeds the $20,000 threshold for <br />Board approval, except that amounts exceeding $50,000 would need Board approval. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />~ Percent for Art for Southern Community Park and Homestead Aquatics Center <br />The Board considered confirming Orange County's plans to designate 1 % of funds allocated <br />for Southern Community Park and the Homestead Aquatics Center for public art and also authorizing the <br />Orange County Arts Commission to work collaboratively with the Chapel Hill Public Arts Commissions on <br />the public art aspects of these two projects funded jointly by Orange County and the Town of Chapel Hilt. <br />