Orange County NC Website
4 ,00 — rZ ©1>y — / /.P <br />future construction of the realignment of Eno Mountain Road to align with the intersection of Mayo Street at <br />Orange Grove Road and all associated sidewalks along Eno Mountain and Orange Grove Roads. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a. Second Reading — Ordinance Grantina Franchise to Time Warner Entertainment/Advance- <br />Newhouse Partnership, to Own, Operate and Maintain Cable System in Unincorporated <br />Orange County <br />The Board considered a public hearing and approving upon second reading of a cable franchise <br />renewal ordinance (agreement) with Time Warner Entertainment/Advance- Newhouse Partnership, as <br />recommended by the Orange County Cable Advisory Committee, in conjunction with the Triangle J Cable <br />Consortium consultant collaborative and establish a special technical consulting committee to review and <br />provide recommendations to the Board on a video production plan to equip both meeting rooms — <br />Hillsborough and Chapel Hill — for live public telecasts. <br />Chair Brown said that this is strictly a legal agreement and the Board does not support Time <br />Warner's commercial interest in this County. <br />Assistant County Manager Gwen Harvey said that at the September 2nd meeting, the Board <br />adopted the proposed agreement on the first reading for the renewal of the cable television franchise for <br />unincorporated Orange County. <br />Public Comment: <br />Bob Gywnn said that the Board and Time Warner have been working on this since 1975. He <br />said that it seems to him that in this country we have lost sight of the idea of the social contract. As far as <br />he is concerned regarding programming, we have in Orange County two separate systems, the Chapel Hill <br />lineup and the Carrboro lineup. What is really important is the three PEG channels- public access, <br />education and government channels. The government channel makes local government accessible to the <br />public. The Board of County Commissioners is telecast on The People's Channel but it cannot be seen in <br />Carrboro. He hopes the County will persist in this. <br />Chair Brown said that Mr. Gywn has worked on this for many years trying to get the citizens of <br />Orange County fair access to the public channels, and this has failed because of Time Warner's resistance <br />in providing these channels for public use. <br />Chair Brown said that this is a contract that the County has already been told that Time Warner <br />is going to refuse. Time Warner has no intention of agreeing to anything that was not financially suitable to <br />them. <br />Commissioner Carey said that it seems that they have been working on this for so long and he <br />finds himself reading this letter from Mr. Phillips and getting upset all over again. He said that it was a <br />failure on Time Warner's part and the Commissioners are trying to protect the public's interest. <br />Chair Brown said that this is also asking Time Warner to expand into Orange County and they <br />are rejected by Time Warner due to density issues. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he was thinking back to 1986 when he started dealing with <br />this. He wants to support this and move on. He is tired of dealing with this. <br />Commissioner Jacobs pointed out that even AOL wants to disassociate its name from Time <br />Warner. <br />Brad Phillips, Vice President of Government and Public Affairs for Time Warner Cable, <br />apologized that the County Commissioners did not see his letter until today. It was sent out on September <br />25th. He said that this franchise went into the renewal window in 1993. He said that even though their <br />efforts have been sporadic, there has been a lot of progress. There are two or three issues that remain to <br />be resolved. One is the PEG access channels. They have agreed to three channels. He asked that the <br />Board not take action on this and not approve a second reading, but refer the negotiations back to the <br />negotiating team and allow them to resolve the differences, which are few. He also asked that the Board <br />