Orange County NC Website
3. BOARD COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he recently visited the Meadowmant site and it seems that <br />schools are being built in more rural areas where wildlife habitat is located. He is worried about the <br />discharge of firearms within so many feet of a school building. He asked that staff reconvene the <br />Wildlife Hunting Committee to look at this issue and to investigate where in North Carolina local <br />ordinances have been put in place to prohibit the discharge of firearms within so many thousand feet <br />of an existing school building. {Sharron Hinton is the head of this committee.) <br />Commissioner Jacobs expressed a concern about people hunting while drinking. The state <br />prohibits it on state lands but it is not prohibited in Orange County. He has asked that staff look at <br />local legislation to deal with this in a more comprehensive way without compromising a hunter's <br />privilege. <br />Commissioner Jacobs congratulated Chair Carey and Commissioner Brawn on being reelected. <br />Today the legislation to give Boards of Education the legislative authority to set a tax rate was <br />opposed. There will be an agriculture summit an February 1, 2001. He congratulated Carolyn <br />Thomas, Director of Elections, for a successful process on Election Day. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Transportation Improvement Program {TIP) <br />item on the agenda this evening. She pointed out that on November 28t" there would be a Division 7 <br />hearing. The comments taken will be for the areas outside of the Metropolitan Planning Organization. <br />4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />John Link asked that Carolyn Thomas, Director of Elections, report on the election. She <br />reported that there were no problems with elections here in Orange County. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about voter registration through the Department of Transportation. <br />Carolyn Thomas said that there were about 75 voters that voted with provisional ballots. The forms <br />were received the day after the election and the names were faxed to the state board, who in turn <br />sent it to DMV to verify the names. <br />5. RESOLUTIONSIPROCLAMATIONS <br />a. Orange County Hiah School Financing <br />The Board considered a resolution to provide far funding for a new high school in the <br />Orange County school district. <br />John Link summarized the information as stated in the agenda abstract. He said that the <br />project has come in under budget and the request of the School Superintendent and the school board <br />is that the Commissioners still finance the remaining 13.6 million dollars. <br />Finance Director Ken Chavious described the documents the County Commissioners were <br />being requested to approve. He was available to answer questions. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to adopt <br />and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution providing final approval of the terms and documents for <br />the new high school financing project as stated below: <br />RESOLUTION PROVIDING FINAL APPROVAL OF TERMS AND DOCUMENTS <br />FOR NEW ORANGE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL FINANCING PROJECT <br />WHEREAS: <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County, North Carolina, has previously approved and <br />determined to carry out a plan for the construction and financing (the "Project") of a new Orange <br />County high school {the "New School); and <br />The County's Finance Officer has presented to this meeting the draft documents listed on <br />Exhibit A (the "Documents"} and a draft dated November 9, 2000, of an official statement providing for <br />the disclosure of information to prospective investors. All of these items relate to the County's <br />carrying out the Project and appear to be in farms appropriate for carrying out the Project. <br />