Orange County NC Website
C. Public Hearing Items <br />vX AD - vfeo3 - /a7 <br />G/ <br />Orange County Planning Director Craig Benedict gave an introductory summary of the <br />four items on agenda: <br />1. Zoning and subdivision amendments <br />2. EDD — Buckhorn EDD — suggested changes to permitted uses <br />3. Additional standards needed for EDD - Buckhorn <br />4. Water and Sewer Boundary Agreement and Map <br />1. Concurrent Amendments to Orange County Zoning Ordinance and <br />Orange County Subdivision Regulations Regarding Subdivision <br />Size, Location, Process, and Standards <br />a. Amend Article IV, VIII, and XXII of the Zoning Ordinance and <br />Section II of the Subdivision Regulations to incorporate by <br />reference, the Water and Sewer Management Planning and <br />Boundary Agreement Map adopted December 3, 2001. <br />b. Amend Article VIII of the Zoning Ordinance and Section II and III <br />of the Subdivision Regulations to create a special use permit <br />process that sets special use standards and location criteria for <br />subdivision size (number of lots) based on zoning district and <br />service areas identified in the Water and Sewer Management <br />Planning and Boundary Agreement Map. <br />Craig Benedict gave a PowerPoint presentation. He showed a map of the entire County. <br />He said that in May 2002, the Planning Board expressed concern about the amount of <br />development activity in the rural sections of the County. The existing regulations may <br />not have been able to address the impacts upon the rural environment. The County <br />Commissioners and the Planning Board asked the staff to investigate other manners of <br />reviewing subdivisions in these areas that could address the impacts. Through a series <br />of meetings, a special use process was discussed to review subdivisions. It has been <br />suggested that subdivisions over a certain size would go through this special use <br />process. He pointed out the areas on a map where growth would be promoted. In the <br />urban areas of the County, subdivisions would follow a process based on the size, as <br />follows: 6 -19 lots would follow the same process that exists now; 20-40 lots would follow <br />the process of a class A special use permit; 41 -79 lots would require a more strict <br />analysis; and 80+ lots would require a rezoning process (planned development). <br />In the rural areas of the County, there is a different threshold number. Again, 6 -19 lots <br />would follow the same major subdivision process. A class A special use permit would be <br />needed for 20-40 lots, and planned development would be used for 41+ lots. <br />Craig Benedict showed four different growth management options on different maps. <br />Option four includes the greatest amount of land. <br />If there were a planned development subdivision (40+ in the rural area or 80+ in the <br />urban area), then it would be presented at a quarterly public hearing with the Planning <br />Board and the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners <br />would hear public input and refer it to the Planning Board, which would make a <br />recommendation back to the County Commissioners for a decision. <br />