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Ordinance to Public Hearing <br />life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, <br />marshes, bogs, and similar areas. (Definition taken from EPA regulations <br />at 40 CFR Section 230.3(t) and COE Regulations at 33 CFR Section <br />328.3(b), as of July 2 "d, 2002.). <br />Section 10 ZONING ORDINANCE Amend 4.3 Permitted Use Table to create two <br />classifications of the R -1 zoning district --- Rl* and Rl * *. <br />R1* --- for properties located outside of the Primary Service Area as defined by <br />Water and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary Agreement adopted <br />December 3, 2001 and as maybe amended from time to time. <br />Rl * * --- for properties located within the Primary Service Area as defined by <br />Water and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary Agreement adopted <br />December 3, 2001 and as may be amended from time to time. <br />Section 11. ZONING ORDINANCE. Amend EDD Permitted Use Table by adding two new <br />uses identified as "Maior Subdivision Class A Special Use, Urbanizing (20 -79 <br />Lots " "Maior Subdivision, Planned Development, Urbanizing (80+ Lots)" <br />with a requirement for either a Planned Development Atlas Amendment with <br />Class A Special Use Permit or a Class A Special Use Permit in areas designated <br />as Primary Service Areas as identified in the Water and Sewer Management <br />Planning and Boundary Agreement Map adopted December 3, 2001. <br />Section 12. This ordinance is effective upon its adoption. <br />05- <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Orange County Commissioners <br />that this ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision <br />Regulations of Orange County" be adopted. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner , seconded by Commissioner <br />, the foregoing ordinance was adopted this the day of <br />2003. <br />I, Donna S. Baker, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for Orange County, DO <br />HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the proceedings of said <br />Board at a meeting held on , 2003 as relates in any way to the adoption of the <br />foregoing and that said proceedings are recorded in the minutes of said Board. <br />WITNESS my hand and the seal of said County, this day of , 2003. <br />SEAL <br />Clerk to the Board of Commissioners <br />g:currentplanning / Robert /majorsubdivisionSUPOnly with Headings <br />