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Ordinance to Public Hearing <br />Agreement adopted December 3, 2001 and as may be amended from time to <br />time, that is proposed for subdivision 20 -79 lots, cumulatively. <br />Major Subdivision, Planned Development, Rural (41+ Lots) -- A tract of land <br />zoned AR, Rl or RB outside of a Primary Service Area (PSA), as defined in the <br />Water and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary Agreement adopted <br />December 3, 2001 and as may be amended from time to time, that is proposed <br />for subdivision of 41 or more lots, cumulatively. <br />Major Subdivision, Planned Development, Urbanizing (80+ Lots) -- A tract <br />of land zoned R -1 or EDD located within a Primary Service Area (PSA), as <br />defined in the Water and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary <br />Agreement adopted December 3, 2001, that is proposed for subdivision of 80 or <br />more lots, cumulatively. <br />For the purpose of determining whether a subdivision is a Major <br />Subdivision, Class A Special Use (Rural or Urbanizing), or a Major <br />Subdivision, Planned Development, (Rural or Urbanizing) the number of <br />lots created shall be determined by counting the cumulative number of lots <br />created, through a regulated subdivision, on a tract or parcel of land as the <br />boundaries of said tract or parcel of land existed in the Land Records of <br />Orange County as of <br />[the effective date of these Ordinance Amendments <br />Section 8. ZONING ORDINANCE Amend Definitions Article 22 to create a new definition <br />for Resources Management Plan as follows: <br />A document and map, submitted as a part of a Major Subdivision, Class A <br />Special Use Permit application or a Major Subdivision, Planned <br />Development Atlas Amendment with SUP application, that sets forth, in <br />detail, the location of and the proposed methods for: <br />1) protection of natural resources (i.e. habitat maintenance, existing <br />vegetation, and mitigation of environmentally sensitive areas), <br />2) ownership and maintenance of open spaces (common open space, <br />proposed conservation easements, and landscape buffers) <br />3) provision of services (solid waste management to include recycling, <br />storm water management (temporary and permanent), irrigation <br />systems to include the source of water, <br />4) the method of handling of land clearing debris. <br />Section 9. ZONING ORDINANCE Amend Definition Article 22 to create a new definition <br />for Wetland as follows: <br />Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at <br />a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal <br />circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for <br />g: currentplanning /Robert/majorsubdivisionSUPOnly with Headings <br />