Orange County NC Website
Ordinance to Public Hearing 029 <br />(1) Fire <br />(2) Police <br />(3) Rescue services <br />(4) Water Supply <br />(5) Wastewater Treatment Methods <br />c) Habitats shall be identified and evaluated in the <br />biological inventory required by (a) and are <br />subject to the following: <br />(1) An undisturbed buffer is required around the <br />boundary of habitats of rare, threatened, or <br />endangered species as shown on the biological <br />inventory. Buffer width shall be determined by <br />site evaluation in consultation with the <br />applicant's biologist and officials from the NC <br />Department of Agriculture and/or the NC <br />Department of Environment, Health and Natural <br />Resources; <br />(2) Habitat enhancements as described in the <br />biological inventory shall be made for a broad <br />range of species to help mitigate the loss of <br />wildlife habitat during construction. Examples <br />include preserving, planting, and maintaining a <br />variety of native vegetation (also dead trees and <br />snags); installing structures conducive for <br />nesting such as bird houses or bat boxes <br />designed and located for various species; or <br />creating wetlands; <br />(3) Conservation easements or other acceptable <br />means such as dedication to a public agency, or <br />conservancy or a homeowner's association are <br />required to protect wetlands and other habitats <br />while insuring proper long -term maintenance; <br />and <br />(4) Provide barriers or fencing, and signage at the <br />edge of habitat buffers to prohibit vehicular and <br />pedestrian access. Limited access may be <br />g:currentplanning/ Robert/majorsubdivisionSUPOnly with Headings <br />