Orange County NC Website
REVISED 8/19/03 3 <br />Orange County. If the Board chooses to approve this item; a budget amendment to accept the grant will <br />be brought forward at a subsequent meeting. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S):. The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />• Award a proposal for the Community Transportation Improvement Plan (CTIP) to Wilbur Smith <br />Associates of Raleigh, NC, pursuant to WSA's proposal dated May 2003; and <br />• Authorize the Purchasing Director to work with the consultant and OPT staff to finalize terms of an <br />.agreement; and <br />• Authorize the Chair to sign the resulting agreement on behalf of the Board; and <br />• Endorse the Steering Team members as indicated; and <br />• Appoint Commissioners Alice Gordon and Barry Jacobs to represent the Board's interests during the <br />Steering Team meetings with the consultants. <br />