Orange County NC Website
PERMITTED USE TABLE - ECON( IC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS <br />NOTE: The following table indicates uses which may be permitted in the Hillsborough Area Economic Development Districts. Many of the uses listed <br />encompass . a broad range of specific uses or activities. Orange County recognizes that application of the standards set forth in this manual'may <br />limit the feasibility of specific uses within the broad range of categories due to land area and design feature requirements. Where one or more <br />specific uses have been included in the table, there are circumstances which such uses would be appropriate within an Economic Development <br />District. Sector refers to NAICS use structure as amended from time to time. <br />Where an "X" appears in the column, the use is allowed, and development plans will be reviewed and County staff provided other <br />requirements of the subdistricts are met. If the letter "A" appear in the column, the use is allowed, but only after a public hearing has been <br />conducted, and the use has been approved by the Board of Commissioners as a Class A Special Use ( "A ") or a Planned Development ( "A -PD "). <br />Where the use is not listed or the column is vacant, the use is not allowed. <br />*Amended 1- 17 -95, 6 -26 -95 <br />**Hours of operation for permitted nonresidential uses are limited from 6.00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. in the ED -LNR subdistrict. Hours of operation <br />in other districts may be set by a condition in the Special Use Permit. <br />* ** (Drive -in restaurants are not permitted in the Hillsborough Area EDD) <br />N <br />w <br />Economic Development Districts Design Manual <br />