Orange County NC Website
1. Growth Management System - Amendments to Zoning Ordinance and <br />Subdivision Regulations <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict said this is an early preview of the Quarterly <br />Public Hearing. He said this started back in May when the Board wanted to <br />begin a system to control subdivision growth. He explained several maps to the <br />Board such as the Water and Sewer Boundary Map. He made reference to page <br />six and the table, Growth Management System. He explained this table in depth. <br />Subdivisions 20 lots and over would have to go through a Class A special use <br />permit process. <br />Chair Brown took over the meeting at this time. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to take the current map and build <br />a new one as an overlay because there are notable changes. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if there was science to these numbers. Craig <br />Benedict explained the numbers. He said that he would provide a printout of the <br />major subdivisions over the last three to four years. <br />Chair Brown asked about the question from Jay Bryan and Craig Benedict said <br />that this would be entered into the record at the public hearing. <br />In answer to a question from Chair Brown, Craig Benedict said that in a level two <br />analysis, some expertise might be brought in. <br />2. Buckhorn EDD Proposed Amendments for August 25th Public Hearing <br />Craig Benedict showed the Buckhorn EDD on a map. This development district <br />has been around for eight years. The Orange County School Board, in <br />conjunction with the Orange County Planning staff, starting narrowing down <br />some ideas of where schools would be necessary. They are suggesting to <br />modify the list of permitted uses in the Buckhorn EDD (page 3 of the agenda <br />packet). At this time, schools are not permitted uses in this area. Also, motor <br />freight terminals, storage and distribution of petroleum products, and motor <br />vehicle maintenance and repair would no longer be permitted in this area under <br />the suggestions. <br />Chair Brown said that she is in favor of making this what it needs to be to move <br />ahead with the Orange County middle school. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he went through this area a couple of <br />weekends ago and there was a highway patrol roadblock. There are things <br />going on up there that most people are totally unaware of. There are food sales <br />