Minutes - 10-10-2000
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 10-10-2000
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Craig Benedict said that there should be no more than 15 lots on a private road because of <br />the traffic impact and the maintenance costs. He said that it was up to the Board tonight to determine <br />what part of the package works. <br />Chair Carey agreed that some private roads contribute to rural character. He has always felt <br />that 25 lots on a private road were too many, but he is not convinced that it should be reduced to 10 lots. <br />He thinks 15 lots are more reasonable. He agrees with the declarative statement on page 18. <br />Commissioner Brown thinks the private road standards are a big improvement over what is <br />currently in place. She feels that whatever is adopted should be reviewed periodically. She thinks that <br />25 lots on a private road is not acceptable and agrees that 10 lots are sufficient. She is more interested <br />in protecting sensitive areas such as wildlife .corridors and creeks than the size of the lots. She would <br />like to move ahead and adopt these amendments. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that people move into this area from out of state, and get upset <br />when they find out that school buses cannot go down private roads. He said that 25 lots on a private <br />road are totally unreasonable. He agrees that the Board should move ahead and that the standards <br />could be modified later if needed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs clarified that the Board does want a declarative statement that private <br />roads are not by right. Also, he asked if the Board agreed that three or fewer lots should be treated <br />differently, both in terms of the review period and the review itself. <br />Craig Benedict said that from the discussion above he has identified three major things where <br />is there is general consensus of the County Commissioners: <br />• A declarative statement that private roads are not by right on page 18 <br />• For three-lot subdivisions (those with three or fewer lots) no engineer certification <br />should be necessary, and <br />• For three-lot subdivisions there should be a one-year time limit with cone-year <br />extension by right <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that it be written into the standards that there be a review of <br />these standards after one or two years. <br />John Link said that it was important to state that a private road is usually unpaved. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that there should be a statement in the amendments that school <br />buses will not be going down private roads. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to adopt <br />the proposed amendments to the Orange County Private Road Standards with the following five <br />revisions: 1) a declarative statement on page 18 as follows: "There is no right to a private road in any <br />subdivision larger than three lots."; 2) Three-lot subdivisions (subdivisions with three or fewer lots) would <br />not require an engineer certification for the road; 3) Three-lot subdivisions can ask for aone-year <br />extension by right for minor subdivision approval after the one-year expiration; 4) The amendments will <br />be reviewed in two years or less; and 5) No more than 12 lots will be permitted on a private road. <br />Craig Benedict said that in the declarative statement, there would be a description of a private <br />road. <br />Chair Carey said that if a subdivision is three lots or less, the same rules should apply in that <br />they will receive a notification that they have one year to do something. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked a question about the third sentence on page 18 which begins "a <br />private road shall be deemed justified..." Following that sentence, there is language about intent and he <br />wondered if that language is necessary anymore, given that the board has now already defined the <br />justification for private roads. He also indicated the language was not clear. <br />Craig Benedict said that this section was in text format and that it provided the same <br />information as the later sections, which were in criteria format, but that it did not hurt to be redundant. <br />The Board suggested that the staff revise the language to make it clear. <br />Commissioner Jacobs and Commissioner Brown said that there should be some editing to <br />make the document easier to read. It would be good to have a chart that shows the criteria for a private <br />road justification. The staff will bring back revised language for the sections for which the commissioners <br />
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