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comprehensive land use plan. Part of the update will include this area. He thinks we should be <br />careful about the wording. He feels confident that the Board will get to it in an appropriate <br />manner. <br />Chair Brown said that the uses are not good for a school district and they need <br />to be updated. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Jacobs to 1) approve the option purchase price of $38,505 for option to purchase agreements <br />to be executed between the Orange County Schools and the respective property owners for the <br />parcels comprising the proposed site of the third OCS middle school; and 2) adopt the attached <br />OCS Middle. School #3 Capital Project Ordinance. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Schools Adequate Public Facilities Memorandum of Understanding and <br />Ordinance <br />The Board considered adoption of the revised Schools Adequate Public Facilities <br />Memoranda of Understandings (MOU's) and ordinance. Two MOU agreements are attached - <br />one pertaining to the Chapel Hill -Carrboro School District (CHCCD), and one pertaining to the <br />Orange County School District (OCSD). <br />Craig Benedict said that tonight's purpose is to approve the MOU for both school <br />districts and also to approve the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances within Orange County. <br />The Board approved a version of this last December and since then there have been two <br />primary changes to it. One of them had to do with suspending the certificate of adequate public <br />schools for the CHCCS high school and the OCS middle school, and to clarify the difference <br />between the projections used within the SAPFO program. The-last change was to make sure <br />the certification process is updated. He then reviewed when each party had voted or will vote <br />on this item. <br />Regarding the Administration's recommendation, they did not set a date when <br />ordinances were to take effect in Orange County.. The County Attorney provided a letter in the <br />agenda package that explains his position on this. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the effective date of the ordinance should be when all of <br />the governments involved in SAPFO sign off on the MOU. He referred to his letter. The reason <br />is because SAPFO is a cutting edge thing in the state and he foresees problems for Orange <br />County when one school system is operating under this and one is not. He recommends <br />implementing the SAPFO in both school districts at the same time. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the actions of the governments that have <br />voted. Craig Benedict said that both Chapel Hill and Carrboro approved the SAPFO. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she went over the ordinance and that there were <br />a couple of versions of this for approval. She was concerned in the transformation that a <br />couple of things slipped -the definition of membership and building capacity and the ability of <br />the County Commissioners to look at the calculations and certify. She asked which versions <br />were approved. Craig Benedict said that the CHCCS had the first version when they approved <br />it and he has sent them one with corrections, which were minor. <br />Geof Gledhill said that Chapel Hill and Carrboro adopted the revised versions. <br />The CHCCS Board will have to see it again. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Chair Brown to <br />approve the respective Memoranda of Understanding for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School <br />District and Orange County School District and adopt the ordinance necessary to implement <br />Schools APFO with an effective date as the Board decides. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />