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Page 2 <br />Town of Carrboro <br />Resolution No. 199/2002-03 <br />1. The SCHOOLS ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES MEMORANDUM OF <br />UNDERSTANDING and the ADDENDUM TO SCHOOLS ADEQUATE PUBLIC <br />FACILITIES MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING are hereby adopted, as amended; <br />and <br />2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to sign the "Schools Adequate Public Facilities <br />Memorandum of Understanding" and the "Addendum to Schools Adequate Public Facilities <br />Memorandum of Understanding", as amended. <br />The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote, received the following vote and was <br />duly adopted this 24th day of June, 2003: <br />Ayes: Joal Hall Broun, John Herrera, Diana McDuffee, Michael Nelson, Alex Zaffron <br />Noes: Mark Dorosin, Jacquelyn Gist <br />Absent or Excused: None <br />I, Sarah C. Williamson, Town Clerk of the Town of Carrboro, do hereby certify that the <br />foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Carrboro Board of Aldermen <br />at its meeting on June 24, 2003. <br />```\\\\\\``~~~~nsG ~r~~~8 //// <br />`~~~...,,...a.,.o.. ,~ <br />i`~;\a~ORpp,~~4Tfi0 ?O ~% Town Clerk <br />X911 - <br />