Orange County NC Website
approve the medical leave of absence for Phyllis Kessler, teacher assistant at <br />Seawell from August 18, 2003 through February 17, 2004. <br />accept that Tasha Moore, clerical assistant at Seawell has assumed the data <br />manager position at Rashkis efective July 1, 2003. <br />accept that Brenda Stanley, finance secretary at Lincoln Center, has assumed the <br />position of purchasing manager with the finance office effective July 1, 2003. <br />approve the resignation of the following individuals: Melissa Neal, Jospeh <br />Thomas, Matthew Johnson, Maureen Looby, Melissa Routh, Martha Workman, <br />Sheila Singh, Phyllis Taylor, Jocelyn Gnieski, Laurie Crabtree, Mary Jones, <br />Joanna Kallai, LaTonya Foster, David Buckingham, John Finley, Yi Spindler, <br />Laura Bobis, Joanna Knox, Rachel Blair, and Kelly Lowe. <br />approve the employment of the following individual: John Quay <br />approve that Sue Ellis, bus driver with the transportation department, will not be <br />re-employed for the 2003-04 school year. <br />On a motion by Ms. Faley, seconded by Ms. Rosenman, the Board voted 6-0 to adjourn at <br />10:30 pm. <br /> <br />Neil G. Pedersen, Secretary <br />10 <br />