Orange County NC Website
approve Elizabeth Straw, primary teacher at Carrboro will transfer to McDougle <br />Elementary for the 2003-04 school year. <br />approve Melissa Stopa, proficiency specialist at Scroggs will assume the position <br />of technology specialist for Scroggs for the 2003-04 school year. <br />approve the employment of Tamara Finch, enrichment specialist at Ephesus be <br />reduced to 50% at her request for the 2003-04 school year. <br />approve the following individuals be elected for re-employment for the 2003-04 <br />school year: Linda Palladino, Anna Mitchell, Jodi Wise, and Estelle Hendricks, <br />approve the family leave of absence for Katherine Tucker, resource teacher at <br />Glenwood from August 11, 2003 through October 21, 2003. <br />approve the family leave of absence for Karen Horton, science teacher at <br />McDougle Elementary from August 11, 2003 through October 3, 2003. <br />approve the following employment of the following individuals by administrative <br />contract for atwo-year period August 1, 2003 -June 30, 2005: Renee <br />Duckenfield and Erin Kershner <br />approve the employment of the following for the 2003-04 school year: Andrew <br />Bagwell, Kathleen Barton, Kathleen Britto, Elizabeth Burcrek, Kevin Carter, <br />Cecil Duff Coburn, Amy Darbaker, Robyn Davis, Kristina Dunn, Kaawa Dupree, <br />Christy Fiftal, Debra Freeman, Evelyn Criddens, Rebecca Hite, Kristen Johnson, <br />Rebecca Kaufer, Stephanie King, Patricia Lewis, Paul Marshall, Meredith Meade, <br />David Moore, Kevin Murphy, Leslie Nanna, Blake Norris, Kelly Sears, Jennifer <br />Ventura, Erin Shindledecker, Gredel Walbert, Lucy Wilks, Uvonda Willis, Erin <br />Cocke, Donna Swahlan, Andrea Bittle, Jennifer Prussa, Mary Catherine Jones, <br />Maren Albans, Tricia Billy, Gina Chapman, Molly Fasolka, Cheryl Paulsen, <br />Stuart Phillips, Sue Versenyi, Ronnie Jackson, Elizabeth Ann Taylor, Satinder <br />Wright, Gayna Perry, Sean McCabe, Laura Kirk, and Thomas Mitchell <br />approve the following non-faculty coaches employed for the 2002-03 school year <br />be re-employed for the 2003-04 school year: Kevin Dizon, Brandon Mangum, <br />John Pendergrass, Doug Chanin, Amy Vitt, Rodney Taylor, Ricky Bynum, Glen <br />Estacio, Joe Calandro, Jim Turnbull, Kenny Batch, Jeff Gorski, Seth Berkowitz, <br />Tripp Price, Stacey Harris, and Jon Noyes <br />approve a medical leave of absence for Joelle Brummett-Yale for an indefinite <br />period beginning June 10, 2003. <br />9 <br />