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additional- increase in meal prices, make District labor adjustments, and newly hired <br />employees are put on Sodexho's payroll. <br />Two resolutions were presented to the Board: <br />Resolution A: Be it, therefore resolved that the Board of Education adopts <br />Option 4, reducing labor as presented and providing a 5-cent <br />increase on lunch prices. <br />Elementary Lunch $1.95 <br />Middle Lunch $2.20. <br />High Lunch $2.20 <br />Adult Lunch $2.85 <br />Student Breakfast $.80 <br />Adult Breakfast $1.25 <br />Resolution B: Be it, therefore, resolved that the Board of Education adopts <br />Option 5, reducing labor as presented and directing that all new <br />employees become Sodexho employees. <br />An amendment was proposed for resolution B. The amendment would not reduce the <br />labor and employees would be transferred between schools before hiring additional staff. <br />On a motion by Ms. Rosenman, seconded by Ms. Faley the Board voted 6-0 to approve <br />Resolution B with the above amendment. <br />Approval of 2003-04 Budget: Mr. Pedersen presented a summary of the proposed <br />budget for 2003-04 to the Board. The final state budget will reduce the district's 2003-04 <br />budget by $617,709 and reduce the CTE budget by 15 months of employment. The 15 <br />months is equivalent to 1.5 teaching positions or approximately $72,000. The flexibility <br />portion of the reduction is $351,248. <br />Only $220,370 is recommended to be replaced by allocation of local funds. This amount <br />will put back dollars into salary lines and maintain the same level of supplies and. <br />materials for the schools. <br />The Orange County Commissioners approved the 2003-04 County Operating and Capital <br />Budgets on June 26, 2003. CHCCS is budgeting $1.5 million again this year from <br />3 <br />