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Commissioner Jacobs asked Craig Benedict why the information about the violations was not <br />reported as part of the information that the Commissioners received. Craig Benedict said that he only <br />found out about the violations today. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the creek and whether it is a spring fed creek. Craig <br />Benedict said that the staff looked at USGS maps and it was not shown as a stream. When they visited <br />the site, there was evidence of an intermittent stream. He identified the stream on the map. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if a septic line would go across the creek and Craig Benedict <br />said that a pump system would go from the 4.5-acre lot, down the creek, and up the hill to portions of lots <br />seven and eight where there are septic easements. There are no prohibitions to having pump systems <br />across drainage areas. <br />Dr. Wally Diehl, the applicant, said that he wanted to live near his practice and that is how he <br />got involved with this piece of property. He said that when he walked on the property, he wanted to do <br />storm cleanup after Hurricane Fran. He said that his grading contractor did mare than he was supposed <br />to do before the approval process. When he was notified that he was out of compliance, he immediately <br />came into compliance. Two weeks ago, with the recent rains, he was told that his sedimentation trap in <br />the stream way was not doing the job any longer and something different needed to be done. He <br />immediately called his grading contractor who was going to fix the sedimentation trap this coming <br />Monday. He has met with the neighbors and will be glad to meet with them again to address their <br />concerns. He said that the subdivision has met all of the ordinance requirements. <br />Commissioner Brown asked when Phil Post came into the picture and Dr. Diehl said that Phil <br />Post came into the picture in June 1999 when the concept plan was submitted and approved. <br />Phil Post illustrated on a map where the clearing for the roadway took place. He said that the <br />contractor cleared the absolute minimum and that none of the house sites have been cleared. When all <br />the clearing is done, 2'/2 acres will be cleared from this 22-acre tract. There will be 84% tree coverage <br />an this tract. <br />Phil Post made reference to erasion control and said that they have taken into consideration <br />some special drainage requests from citizens who live in that area. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked Craig Benedict about the roadwork that had been done before <br />the County Commissioners approved the subdivision. Craig Benedict said that this has been the <br />practice in the past but it would not be allowed under his direction. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis feels that it is outrageous that roadwork would begin before a <br />subdivision is approved and he is offended by this information. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if the road into the subdivision would be a state maintained road <br />and Craig Benedict said yes. However, if the road were a private road, there would be less destruction <br />of the land. Craig Benedict said that the requirement for a public road and a private road is a 50-foot <br />wide corridor. He said that there would probably be the same amount of clearing. The only difference is <br />the sloping. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if this project could be built on a private road and Craig Benedict <br />said yes. The subdivision would have to have twice the lot size to justify one of the criteria for a private <br />road. There would have to be increased setbacks and stream buffers, etc. to justify the private road. <br />Jahn Link made reference to page two of the abstract and the recommendation about <br />deferring consideration of the subdivision to pursue additional analysis and review. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that the developers meet with the neighbors and then meet <br />with County staff to see if they can work out some of the problems that have been identified. The <br />developers may also want to consider working with the Dispute Settlement Center. <br />Dr. Diehl asked if their sound expert could speak. <br />Norl Stewart, from Stewart Acoustical Consultants in Raleigh, said that he understands the <br />problems of the neighbors who were there before the highway was constructed. Also, the sound that <br />reaches them from I-40 is different according to the level of atmospheric conditions. He said that in order <br />for the citizens to have a fairly perceived difference in the noise level, there must be a change of about <br />five or six decibels. This would require a reduction in sound of two-thirds to three-quarters. Nothing that <br />Dr. Diehl plans to do is going to have very much of an affect on the noise. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Brown, Mr. Stewart explained that when the <br />source of the noise is 100-400 feet away, the atmospheric effects are quite strong. He explained how <br />the sound goes up and back down at different times during the day. Anything that is done on the <br />