Minutes - 10-03-2000
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 10-03-2000
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8/15/2008 2:21:46 PM
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8/13/2008 1:49:56 PM
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Agenda - 10-03-2000-5a
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The Board considered a previously tabled item with additional information on "Single Access <br />with regard to safety issues," "Connectivity with property to the north," and "Type F Buffer Description." <br />Sunrise Springs Subdivision is an eight-lot subdivision on 18 acres. It is located along the <br />west side of Sunrise Road (SR 1732} adjacent to and north of I-40 in Chapel Hill Township. The current <br />zoning is rural buffer. <br />Craig Benedict summarized the changes that have been made to the plan to address the <br />concerns expressed by the County Commissioners. These are in the agenda materials. <br />Commissioner Gordon verified that one of the reasons for not requiring the additional access <br />was that the traffic would cut through the neighborhood and create a negative impact. <br />Several other questions of the Commissioners were answered satisfactorily by Craig <br />Benedict. <br />Commissioner Brown said that there was a concern about the noise level from the highway <br />and asked if there was going to be a certain type of buffer required. Craig Benedict said that a type A <br />buffer would be required along I-40 and Sunrise Road. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the rate of development in a rural buffer and if <br />development has increased. He said that the land on the northern rural buffer is being maximized to the <br />highest degree and at same point in the future there might need to be some flexible development <br />provisions in the rural buffer. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked when discussing this subdivision with the developer if there was <br />any discussion about using part of the 4.5-acre lot as open space. Craig Benedict said that based on the <br />configuration of this subdivision there was not a good place to have open space. <br />Commissioner Jacobs expressed a concern about having cul-de-sacs all over the place - <br />east and west of this property. He feels that there might be some utility in having some transit <br />connectivity through that area. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that there are goad things about connectivity, but you have to <br />look at it on a case by case basis. She thinks in this case, there should not be the additional access <br />point. She said that there should be a plan for where the roads are supposed to go. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the shallow trench septic systems with pumps and if this is <br />pushing the level at which to get a septic system. Craig Benedict will work with Ron Holdway and Dr. <br />Rosie Summers to find out information on these types of septic systems that are permitted by the State. <br />Public Comment <br />Betsy Kraus expressed concerns about this subdivision. Her main concern is noise from I-40. <br />The trees in her neighborhood served as a very efficient noise buffer and the developer has cleared <br />these trees for this subdivision and they now hear all the noise from the highway. She would like to see <br />a community built that maintains the assets of the neighborhood. She supports lower density, which <br />would result in larger lot sizes that are common in this area and would be in line with what other <br />developers are doing. The developer will cut seven feet off the top of the hill as a requirement from <br />DOT. She asked that a noise abatement be incorporated into the development plan by preserving the <br />existing landscape. <br />Steve Herman presented a petition that was signed by eleven people from Pine Tree Lane <br />and is in the Permanent Agenda File in the Clerk's office. He read the three-page petition. In summary, <br />he expressed concerns about noise and endorsed the use of noise abatement resources. He is <br />concerned about the impact of the proposed development on erosion and water run-off on neighboring <br />downstream properties. In conclusion, they feel that the Sunrise Springs Subdivision plan has a number <br />of substantial deficiencies, which can only be remedied by a major redesign. <br />Phil Post, designer for Sunrise Springs, explained the roads on the map. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Halkiotis about the clearing of live trees and other <br />vegetation without an erosion control permit, Craig Benedict said that Erosion Control issued a letter six <br />months ago to the developers informing them that they disturbed the land without the proper permits. A <br />violation has not been issued. The applicant first claimed that the clearing was from Hurricane Fran <br />debris and it was found out later that the work was much more extensive than clearing debris. The <br />applicant will have to re-seed some areas and put same sedimentation devices on the property. <br />
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