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Chair Carey asked that Planned Parenthood came back to the County Commissioners in the <br />spring and let them know haw successful they have been in Orange County and how they have <br />collaborated and also how they have included the Latino community. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />approve and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as stated below: <br />Orange County Berard of Commissioners <br />Resolution for Official Endorsement of the TEEN VOICES Peer Education Program <br />WHEREAS, the TEEN VOICES Peer Education Program is an adolescent pregnancy prevention and <br />youth development program, sponsored by Planned Parenthood of Orange and Durham Counties; and <br />WHEREAS, TEEN VOICES empowers teenagers to make responsible choices based on their own ethics <br />and values, by providing them with medically accurate, factual information; and <br />WHEREAS, TEEN VOICES Peer Educators receive 40 hours of training on a variety of teen health and <br />social concerns, and then share this information with friends, family, and community members; and <br />WHEREAS, TEEN VOICES began as a pilot program in Durham County, training 45 Peer Educators <br />who will potentially educate over 1,350 members of the community between March 2000 and March <br />2001; and <br />WHEREAS, Planned Parenthood of Orange and Durham Counties is now applying for funding from the <br />North Carolina Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program to expand peer education programming to <br />Orange County; and <br />WHEREAS, Planned Parenthood of Orange and Durham Counties hope to partner with other Orange <br />County human services organizations in providing Peer Educator training and referrals; and <br />WHEREAS, the United States still leads the industrialized world in teen pregnancy and birth rates, <br />despite recently declining rates; and <br />WHEREAS, adolescent pregnancy in North Carolina cost North Carolina taxpayers $807,800,000 in <br />Fiscal Year 1997; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County's 1999 rate of adolescent pregnancy per 1,000 15-19 year old girls was <br />35.9, according to the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition of North Carolina. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners endorses <br />Planned Parenthood of Orange and Durham Counties' proposal to the North Carolina Adolescent <br />Pregnancy Prevention Program, because the TEEN VOICES Peer Education Program will serve our high <br />school students and partner with area human services organizations in an effort to continue reducing the <br />rate of adolescent pregnancy in Orange County. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. Assessment of Civil Penalties - Bobby F. Patillo Zonina Violation <br />The Board was to consider a resolution assessing civil penalties for a continuing zoning <br />violation. However, this issue has been resolved and this item was removed from the agenda. <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS -NONE <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a. Acquisition of 129 E. King St. <br />The Board considered a resolution supporting the acquisition of property at 129 E. King St., to <br />be used as offices for Purchasing and Central Services, and held a public hearing on financing of the <br />property. <br />