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Commissioner Jacobs asked questions about Elementary School #9. He feels it would <br />be helpful to have a document that analyzes Paul Thames' analysis from 1997 about the suitability <br />of the site. There are still some questions about Meadowmont and how to specifically address the <br />difference in cost between Scroggs Elementary and Elementary School #9. He would like some <br />more information and analysis of Elementary School #9 at minimum. This information will be <br />provided. <br />c. Long Range Facilities Plan <br />Nick Didow made reference to the Long Range Facilities Plan document and said that <br />this was an attempt of his board to look ten years forward at what would be required of the Chapel <br />Hill-Carrboro City School system. The document does recommend an Elementary School #9, <br />relocating their administrative offices, planning for 500 more high school students, planning for <br />Elementary School #10, and acquiring school sites. He has begun to calculate the amount of the <br />investment this involves and it would be 40-60 million dollars of capital projects over the next ten <br />years. <br />The school board has begun to work through action and making decisions about each <br />of the projects identified in the Long Range Facilities Plan. The first and most immediate need is <br />Elementary School #9. The County Commissioners and the County Manager has received a <br />formal request for moving forward with Elementary School #9. This request is documented in the <br />memorandum dated August 28, 2000. Nick Didow said that their school board needed some <br />guidance from the County Commissioners. The money they need over the next ten years will far <br />exceed what can be allocated from the County budget. He said that if a bond could be put before <br />the voters in 2001, it could possibly be enough to take care of the needs for the next 8-10 years. <br />He said that the school board needed some advice on the following issues: Assuming a bond <br />would be part of these projects, how soon would the County Commissioners be willing to put a <br />bond before the people? Could the bond be brought before the voters in the spring of 2001 or the <br />fall of 2001? Prior to that, what is the timeline for the school board getting a list of projects to the <br />County Commissioners? <br />Chair Carey said the Board of County Commissioners had not had the opportunity to <br />discuss the proposal for the 9t" Elementary School. He said that there was na possibility of taking <br />a bond issue to the boards with all of the outstanding issues that needed to be addressed in the <br />spring of 2001. He said that the earliest date for the band would be November 2001, depending or <br />the other issues facing the Board at this time. <br />John Link made reference to the orange sheet, Bond Referendum Timetable <br />(Preliminary), and said that there was a limit on how much debt the Board could get approval far at <br />any given time. He said that the Board needs to pursue capital projects for the next 4 or 5 years. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested having a couple of work sessions on considering a <br />bond issue. There are a lot of issues to consider including space for judicial buildings, etc. He <br />said that the Board needed to set a priority order and figure things out. <br />Nick Didow said that he would like for the bus tour of school buildings to include the <br />Lincoln Center. <br />Chair Carey pointed out that merely sharing all of the plans and proposals far the school <br />systems does not mean that the County was making a commitment to fund it all. <br />4. Adjournment <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. The next meeting on the approved meeting calendar will be <br />held on Monday, October 2, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. at the Southern Human Services Center in Chapel <br />Hill, North Carolina. <br />Moses Carey, Jr., Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, CMC <br />