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had same additional concerns with the concept/pre-planning phase and would rather have three <br />phases. <br />Superintendent Neil Pedersen said that his board did not see the need for having the <br />concept/pre-planning phase because of the timing and logistics. He said that it would be difficult to <br />talk about design before a site was selected. <br />Donna Dean said that under the design/construction approval, the practice has been <br />that as each phase starts, the school boards ask for the County Commissioners to approve the <br />project each time. What the school boards would like is for the County Commissioners to approve <br />the total projects by components and let the funds be used for components as necessary. This <br />may mean that one component will cost less and another will cost more. <br />Commissioner Brown asked what the reason would be for rearranging the casts and <br />categories of a project. Neil Pedersen said that after the design and bid, there are usually <br />adjustments to be made. Most of the radical changes have to do with the site and construction. <br />Other types of change orders may come about by a mistake in design and the design needs to be <br />adjusted. This usually entails taking money from contingency to pay for the extra costs involved <br />with a redesign. <br />The third concern is ensuring that the entire Board of Commissioners is aware of the <br />potential sites from the beginning. Page four (at the top) of the agenda abstract addresses this <br />concern. There will be a Commissioner representative that works with the school board and <br />shares the information at a regularly scheduled Board of County Commissioners meeting. <br />The next concern was building design standards. Chapel Hill had a problem with the <br />detailed cost comparison analysis in that it would add to the cost of a project and may not be <br />available until the architect has proceeded far into the project. Neil said that sometimes it did not <br />make sense to have a prototype. Since Scroggs Elementary Schaal was built, Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro School Board is pleased with the building and the costs. However, they know that they <br />cannot build this same design on the Meadowmont Site. They will need a special design because <br />of the site involved at Meadowmont. There is both a time and money issue when considering <br />whether a prototype is suitable. <br />John Link said that whether it was a detailed analysis or looking at a chart and asking <br />questions about the costs, the process of a detailed cost comparison analysis needed to occur. <br />Neil said that in the budget that was laid out for Elementary School #9, the school <br />board feels that they are adhering to the standards they followed when building Scroggs <br />Elementary. He asked that the County Commissioners go back to the standards and let the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School Board know which standards they are not following. <br />John Link feels that we should go back and question some of the standards that were <br />discussed five years ago. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the idea of a prototype was nothing new. Person, <br />Caswell, and other counties are using the same kind of architectural design considering there is a <br />flat piece of land which the same architectural drawing could be used. He is not convinced you <br />have to do a unique design analysis. That needs to be figured out ahead of time if we are going to <br />have the money to build the necessary facilities in the next 20-30 years. With the budget so tight, <br />we will need to save money wherever we can. <br />Randy Bridges said that for Pathways Elementary, the developer had built the same <br />school in several places across the state and it happened to work for this site. <br />Susan Halkiotis said that if it would be a benefit far the County Commissioners to see a <br />prototype, Superintendent Bridges would be glad to show them around the Pathways site. <br />Chair Carey said that he thinks that the question that needs to be asked is why one <br />Schaal in one district costs "X" and in another district costs "Y". He feels this item will continue to <br />be discussed by all involved on how we approach this type of project. There is no need to do a <br />cast analysis once the bids have been received. We want to have the best quality schools for the <br />lowest cost possible. <br />Commissioner Jacobs feels it would be good for all three boards to tour Pathways <br />Elementary and Smith Middle School. He said that this was another reason to have the site <br />