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selection involved earlier. He would like to see the County Commissioners be fair to both systems. <br />He said that if it is the site that determines the difference in cost for Elementary School #9, then the <br />site needs to be brought into the process earlier. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she agreed with Neil in that they need to look at <br />standards. She asked if Scroggs was a tier 2 and if Pathways was a tier 2. Neil said that they <br />scaled back from a tier 2 by 5,000 square feet and Pathways was a tier 2. Commissioner Brawn <br />compared Scroggs' fees to Pathways' and asked if that was the difference in using an architect as <br />opposed to having apre-design and Neil said that the majority of the difference would be <br />architectural, but that some would be OWASA or other fees. <br />Commissioner Brown asked what was included in each category of building a school. <br />She made reference to the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance and asked how the capacity for <br />each school would be determined and if the capacity numbers could be modified. <br />Neil said that at Scroggs Elementary they built a school for 590 but they have made a <br />commitment for a smaller class size in that school and that is why they have reduced the capacity <br />to 510 students. He said that when you lower class size, you lower the capacity of each school. <br />Some of this is not fully in control of either board. He said that it was important to consider how the <br />capacity could change and how this could impact how the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance is <br />managed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the guidelines for the school sites and if it would be <br />easier if the size was adjusted. Neil said that the size of the school sites certainly could be <br />revisited. The standards are pretty close to reality. He feels the guidelines are very reasonable. <br />Superintendent Randy Bridges said that for the new high school and Pathways, Orange <br />County adhered to the state standards for size of the site. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis feels it would be important for County staff to put down the pros <br />and cons of prototypes versus unique design, assuming everything else is equal. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the page listing the schools and the cost of <br />15.6 million for the next school. She asked about the three million-dollar increase. Neil said that <br />there were a number of reasons. He feels the chart should be reworked because the $715,000 for <br />the multi-purpose gym is not part of the model. He feels the percentages are identical between the <br />model and Scroggs Elementary and Elementary School #9. Scroggs' budget was 14.2 million <br />dollars and if you take out the gym for Elementary School #9, it would be 14.8 million. No <br />additional costs have been factored in due to the site. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she would like to see the costs become closer for the <br />different schools. <br />Nick Didow said that the square footage far Pathways was 85,282 as opposed to the <br />model, which is 95,000 square feet. He said that Pathways was 10,000 square feet under the <br />planning model they were working with for Elementary School #9. Commissioner Brown said that <br />she was looking at the standards. She did not understand that when Scroggs was built that there <br />were adjustments to the standards. She feels it important that the County Commissioners know <br />when adjustments to the standards are made. <br />Donna Dean summarized the last three concerns on the yellow sheet. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to concern #5 and asked why there was only one <br />Commissioner representative and Chair Carey said that it was partly because of the workload of <br />the County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she wonders if the County Commissioners were going <br />to continue to support the standards that have been adopted. If the Board is going to revisit these, <br />she feels it is important that it is done in a way that is clearly articulated and in a collaborative <br />fashion. <br />Nick Didow said that the school board was certainly willing to revisit the standards. <br />They have suggested that there are some construction elements not included in the standards that <br />they would like to discuss and add to the standards. He feels it needs to be done as quickly as <br />possible. He does not want to do anything that would delay the building of Elementary School #9. <br />