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Commissioner Halkiotis supports a program that enables people to maintain their <br />independence and live in their awn house. He feels that there are a lot of people who can benefit <br />from the housecleaning service. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to page 28 and asked how a program would be <br />developed that would subsidize quality care in adult home facilities to prevent further closings of <br />these facilities. <br />Jahn Link said that the County could identify who at the County level or at the State level and <br />what the system expects. The County can help the operators of these homes to address the <br />paperwork requirements of the County and State. This is how the local government is going to <br />have to be proactive in the future with addressing the present bureaucracy and structure. <br />Jill AI-hafez, regional ombudsman, said that she has worked with the Adult Care Home <br />Community Advisory Committee to speak with the operators of these facilities and find out what <br />they need. <br />Discussion ensued about the need for computers for the adult care facilities. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to some computers that were going to be unloaded <br />on Saturday, and he suggested holding the top 50 machines for this initiative and others that have <br />requested the computers. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Jacobs about having computers at the senior <br />centers for use by the participants, Jerry Passmore said that they have ten computers at the <br />Chapel Hill Senior Center and a computer lab at the Northside Center in Chapel Hill. <br />Commissioner Jacobs thanked the committee for the report. He asked if the Inter-Faith <br />Council, Orange Congregations in Mission, and the Towns were participants in the report. He feels <br />that there needs to be coordination with these entities. He said that we should solicit ways to plug <br />the IFC, OCIM, and the Towns into the plan the same way that the other governmental agencies <br />are involved. Jerry Passmore said that the Inter-Faith Council and Orange Congregations in <br />Mission were invited to participate in the Master Aging Plan, but they chase not to participate for <br />various reasons. <br />Cammissianer Jacobs asked if Jerry Passmore planned to do presentations of the Master <br />Aging Plan to the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough so they will know what it is all <br />about. Jerry Passmore asked if that was the next step that the County Commissioners wanted the <br />Task Force to take. Florence Soltys said that the task force could do presentations to the Towns. <br />Reverend Seymour said that this was very important to the faith community. This will add to <br />what the faith community is already doing with the older adults. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 27 and asked for some information from <br />Geoffrey Gledhill on how much purview the Board had in regards to accountability. He said that <br />there have been discussions on taxation and legislation and there will be information coming <br />forward as part of the legislative agenda that relates specifically to seniors. <br />Commissioner Brown asked that there be some comment sent to the legislators about the <br />concern of the "lack of corporate care issue". <br />Cammissianer Jacobs made reference to pages 29 and 30 and said that there were a lot of <br />things listed that the Economic Development Commission was doing, so Jerry Passmore may want <br />to coordinate these issues. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked for clarification on several items in the report, which Jerry <br />Passmore answered. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked how the costs would be tracked on facility access. He said that <br />it would be useful to have the items prioritized in each of the categories. <br />Cammissianer Halkiotis said that he did not want to lose the opportunity on Saturday when <br />the computers were being unloaded. He thanked the task force for focusing on the needy people <br />in the County, even though Orange County is one of the wealthiest counties in the state. <br />John Link said that he would be glad to work with the Department on Aging in formatting a <br />summary sheet for where the $60,QOQ is going. He made reference to page 37 and the <br />transportation consultant and said that this would be a good place to involve the Innovation and <br />Efficiency Committee. He said that this report was a very good start. He would like for there to be <br />