Minutes - 08-30-2000
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 08-30-2000
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Agenda - 08-30-2000
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Blair Pollack said that the Tawn of Chapel Hill was not involved in commercial recycling, <br />just solid waste collection. Private companies usually do the recycling. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to have the SWAB review the C&D Recycling Task Force <br />report. He made reference to the OWASA representatives and said that they were about to <br />receive the master planning consultant's report an the land application of bio solids and alternative <br />disposal possibilities. He thinks it is the right time to talk about working with OWASA on possible <br />collaborations to develop compost. He thinks the SWAB should also talk about continuing to <br />pursue opportunities for interlocal agreements. He suggested having one or two Commissioners <br />alternating as liaison with this board, especially at the beginning. <br />The Board agreed to have Commissioner Jacobs as the liaison for the SWAB. <br />Commissioner Brawn made reference to page 9, Department Assumption of Multi-Family <br />Collections, and asked if this objective was one of the driving farces behind developing a MRF. <br />Gayle Wilson said that this was specifically referring to the last identifiable significant <br />opportunity to reduce the cost of services for a program that the County oversees. Currently, the <br />Multi-Family program is done under contract and the staff has done a detailed analysis on what <br />would happen if this were taken in-house. The analysis shows that the County could save <br />approximately $450,000 in a six-year period by taking this program in-house. He said that this <br />would not require a MRF, but would use up the remaining capacity of the existing recycling pad at <br />the landfill and make it functional five days a week, eight hours a day. The recommendation is to <br />get rid of the contract, buy a truck, hire a driver, deliver it to the pad, sort it, and get the revenue <br />from the materials. <br />Commissioner Brown asked what would make the MRF necessary. Gayle Wilson said that <br />a MRF would allow a ca-mingle recycling stream and stop sorting at curbside. There would only be <br />two compartments in the truck -paper and container - as opposed to six. The MRF allows for an <br />increased number of collected materials and unlimited quantities of materials from the waste <br />stream. <br />Blair Pollock said that if the University were to get an board with the MRF it would really <br />simplify their collection system and bring the County the kind of volume that would drive the cost <br />per tan down. <br />Chair Carey suggested including something about the open meetings law in the <br />organizational section. <br />6. Solid Waste Financina Alternatives <br />Rod Visser said that this was an area where the LOG did a substantial amount of work. He <br />said that the committee never actually completed a final report, but there was quite a bit of <br />information available concerning the discussions about the different mechanisms that were <br />examined, including availability fees, district taxes, underwriting with property taxes, etc. <br />John Link proposed that the staff provide the Board with a summary of all of the LOG <br />meetings. He thinks the Board of Commissioners should consider what they believe to be <br />acceptable financing alternatives. The SWAB could also lank at these alternatives after the Board <br />has reviewed them. He suggested bringing this report back to the December meeting. <br />Chair Carey said that the Board would accept the Manager's proposal to summarize the <br />document and bring it back. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about a tour of all the solid waste facilities. <br />The Planning Board would also like to join the tour. The SWAB should also be invited. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis would like more information on the machine that Judy Kincaid has <br />that eats up everything from rocks, sheet rock, roofing shingles, etc. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />With no further items to discuss, Chair Carey adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. The <br />next meeting an the approved meeting calendar will be held an September 5t" at 7:30 p.m. at the F. <br />Gordon Battle Courtroom in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />
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