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Commissioner Brawn reiterated that she would like the County to have a master plan for <br />solid waste facilities. She was confused about the timeline for the decisions about the solid waste <br />facilities. <br />John Link recommended looking at what was available (i.e., Eubanks Road). <br />Chair Carey said that the County really needed to tie down any additional properties on <br />Eubanks Raad before developing a master plan. <br />Jahn Link said that the County would be pursuing the parcels that have already been <br />identified and discussed. He said that the staff would be glad to come up with a master plan by the <br />December meeting. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if the solid waste staff would need any help from a design firm <br />in developing the master plan. Gayle Wilson said that they could use some help in some areas, <br />primarily appearance, etc. <br />Commissioner Brown clarified that by December the staff would bring back some of the <br />issues of a master plan for review by the Board. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that more visual buffers should be created for these solid <br />waste facilities. <br />Gayle Wilson asked if the Board wished to wait until December to talk about acquiring the <br />previously discussed adjacent property on Eubanks Road. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if these scenarios were solely for the Eubanks Road site. He <br />would like to see different site scenarios. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she was not interested in waiting several months to look at <br />potential properties. <br />Rod Visser clarified with Gayle Wilson that the staff could come back before December with <br />some concepts that are not necessarily tied to a piece of property. <br />John Link said that the staff was ready to bring the parcels forward to a closed session. He <br />said that it was just a question of time. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested that the Board review the copies of the plan that were <br />paid for by the old LOG. <br />Commissioner Brown also asked for some GIS maps so the Board can see the parcels in <br />context with the neighborhoods around them. <br />6. Solid Waste Advisory Board SWAB <br />Rod Visser said that the Board of Commissioners considered a charge to the SWAB last <br />November and reiterated what was in the interlocal agreement signed by all local governments. <br />The staff has prepared a memo that suggests some of the items the SWAB ought to consider <br />taking up fairly quickly. <br />Harmony Whalen left at 9:37 p.m. <br />Gayle Wilson spoke about a draft of the first agenda for the meeting an September 14t" of <br />the SWAB and asked for some feedback from the Board. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if the Board was going to suggest how often the SWAB would <br />meet. Chair Carey said that it would be a function of what was on the agenda rather than a <br />specific set number of meetings. <br />Rod Visser said that the assumption was that the SWAB would have monthly meetings. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the issues should not be reinvented. He said that minutes <br />as well as tapes of the meetings were needed. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she was very interested in the SWAB coming up with an <br />annual report for the Commissioners and the citizens. She would also like the SWAB to set up <br />what would be in the report. She would like more information on electronic recycling, food <br />composting, commercial recycling, and pay as you throw. These are things that the SWAB could <br />address. <br />