ORD-2003-037 - Outdoor Lighting Standards Zoning Ordinance Amendment
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2003-037 - Outdoor Lighting Standards Zoning Ordinance Amendment
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4/29/2013 12:55:16 PM
Creation date
8/2/2011 12:00:11 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-26-2003-8n
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13 <br />UKAFT <br />�oAct, <br />I Commissioner Gordon "I'd make that a motion and I'd add to refer to the Commission for the a� <br />2 Environment, if it's the Board's pleasure. So it would read, 'Administration recommends referring <br />3 the proposed amendment to the Planning Board and Commission for the Environment for a <br />4 recommendation to be returned to the Board of Commissioners no sooner than May 20,', 2003." <br />5 <br />6 Commissioner Jacobs "And do we want to have the Commission for the Environment make its <br />7 recommendation to the Planning Board or are we going to get two separate recommendations ?" <br />8 <br />9 Commissioner Carey "I think we ought to have them make it to the Planning Board." <br />10 <br />11 Commissioner Jacobs. "So do I. If that's your motion, then I will second it." <br />12 <br />13 Chair Brown "Motion and a second. All those in favor, please say 'Aye.' <br />14 <br />15 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />16 <br />17 [END OF DISCUSSION ON THE LIGHTING ORDINANCE) <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 b. Amend Article 6.23.7 Stream Buffers and Article 22 Definitions to <br />21 broaden the methods for identification of streams that require stream <br />22 buffers. The specific change is to include a provision allowing use of the <br />23 Soil Survey of Orange County and field identification by County staff to <br />24 identify streams subject to stream buffers. A new definition for Water <br />25 Feature Is added as a part of the amendment. <br />26 <br />27 Craig Benedict made this presentation. He said that this is a change from the existing <br />28 zoning code that talks about the identifying streams. The streams are identified on United States <br />29 Geologic Survey maps (USGS). The suggestion is to increase the opportunities to identify streams <br />30 with two additional methods. The first method is to use the Orange County Soil Survey maps. The <br />31 Department of Water Quality has also put together a certification program where people can <br />32 identify streams or identify that something is not a stream based on a list of criteria. The <br />33 recommendation is to add this provision to the zoning code so that when subdivisions are <br />34 analyzed, they can take into consideration all of the aspects of a stream. It has also been a goal of <br />35 Orange County to protect the headwaters because 85% of all areas drained in the County are <br />36 headwaters. An implication of this provision is that there will be additional stream miles that will be <br />37 protected. <br />38 Commissioner Jacobs asked if Mr. Feathers has seen a copy of this and Planner Robert <br />39 Davis said that he was aware of it. <br />40 Commissioner Gordon would like to have an estimate of the impact of this provision. She <br />41 wants to protect streams as much as possible, but she wonders what the impact would be on <br />42 people's properties since so much of Orange County might be in this classification. <br />43 There were no Planning Board comments. <br />44 <br />45 Public Comment <br />46 There was no one signed up to speak to this item, but Chair Gooding -Ray asked if anyone <br />47 would like to speak. <br />48 Robert Nichols, a retired dairy farmer, said that he went to the Planning Department today <br />49 to ask about this provision. He said that Craig Benedict said in the presentation that the stream <br />50 buffer would be from 130 -170 feet. On his property this would take about 37 acres of his 175 <br />
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