ORD-2003-037 - Outdoor Lighting Standards Zoning Ordinance Amendment
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2003-037 - Outdoor Lighting Standards Zoning Ordinance Amendment
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4/29/2013 12:55:16 PM
Creation date
8/2/2011 12:00:11 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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11 <br />DRAFT <br />e ;0 3 <br />1 would, certainly influence whether I thought it was a reasonable thing. If it's going to be less �� <br />2 reasonable, then, I might want to consider at least having it done for governmental entities so <br />3 that their lights are phased out over a period of time, so that, at least the schools and the <br />4 municipalities and the County phased out the lights that are polluting and take, and again, as we <br />5 often say, lead by example. <br />6 <br />7 Nicole Gooding — Rav "Commissioner Halkiotis." <br />8 <br />9 Commissioner Halkiotis "I just wanted to make sure that Craig and the staff were certain to get <br />10 some of the proposals out to the Chambers of Commerce on both ends of the County. I've been <br />11 around this County long enough to know that I have seen laser shows for both advertising and <br />12 entertainment, indoors and outdoors, and I've also seen a lot of search lights, from Chapel Hill <br />13 Boulevard to Hillsborough and parts north and west. I think it would be just a good policy to get <br />14 this before both Chambers to let the business community know what's being proposed here." <br />15 <br />16 Nicole Gooding-Ray "Mr. Bryan." <br />17 <br />18 Jay Bryan, Planning Board Member [This speaker did not come to the mic so I could not hear <br />19 all he said] " I have a couple 6f quick things. There's a couple of places in the Ordinance where <br />20 it talks about cut-off features. And the definition I think you have, definition for cut -off and [pole? <br />21 full ?] cut -off. And my suggestion would be that where it says "cut -off' it should be really [pole? <br />22 full ?] cut -off. That means that you don't let the light [word I could not hear] [above ?] the <br />23 horizontal. I didn't see the term [pole? full ?] cut-off so I'm not sure how would apply but that's <br />24 one suggestion. <br />25 <br />26 "The second one was that the lighting plan, for instance in other ordinances show <br />27 consideration for energy - efficient lighting and that kind of thing. That's made a part of what's <br />28 being required. <br />29 <br />30 "Thirdly, there wasn't anything about how you measure light, that is how the County, <br />31 what kind of techniques [couldn't understand him] ... complicate the Ordinance by that, but <br />32 there's nothing in there that defines that. <br />33 <br />34 'The last thing is these, some compendium of [pictures? fixtures ?] of various types of <br />35 [couldn't hear him] ...fixtures that could be used [ couldn't hear him] appendix..Thank you." <br />36 <br />37 Nicole Gooding — RaY "Ok, [Ms. Price ?]" <br />38 <br />39 LMs. Renee A. Iman Price ?] "People who spoke, whether they thought the issue was more the <br />40 type of lighting, or whether it is the design of the light fixtures itself and, you know, which would <br />41 actually achieve the lighting you want overall for the efficiency ?" <br />42 <br />43 Ron Osborne "It makes sense. While I've got my thought train, I wanted to make one comment. <br />44 Mr. Jacobs, in the attachment that Duke Power provided, there is the rate schedules offered by <br />45 the Commission. There's a contract period on the lights which helps Duke Power recoup the <br />46 investment and everything. If the tight was replaced once that contract period for whatever the <br />47 light is, and it varies depending on the type of light, was met, then that cost would be greatly <br />48 reduced. What hurts is when the light just been put up and then you got to go out there because <br />49 you haven't recouped your investment from the time spent. So, that is a factor in there. <br />50 <br />
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