ORD-2003-037 - Outdoor Lighting Standards Zoning Ordinance Amendment
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2003-037 - Outdoor Lighting Standards Zoning Ordinance Amendment
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4/29/2013 12:55:16 PM
Creation date
8/2/2011 12:00:11 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-26-2003-8n
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3 DRAFT(g <br />1 `This light pollution i think a lot of people can attest in the last five to ten years has been <br />2 appreciable. And was even recognized last week on a foggy night I was driving back from 001 <br />3 Carrboro in the distance on Highway 54 you could see this major glow. I said that can't be <br />4 Burlington, it can't be Graham. It was a small car dealership out in White Cross area, that <br />5 looked like it was some sort of major sale going on there. <br />6 <br />7 "So even some small projects can really have quite an impact upon the rural <br />8 environment that is out there. Besides these businesses and residences, this light pollution can <br />9 affect the enjoyment of the night, the dark sky, enjoyment of the neighbors. You will also notice <br />10 that driving conditions based on inappropriate lighting can also cause hazards while driving. <br />11 Energy conservation, we just didn't want to limit it to light pollution we understand that in our age <br />12 of energy star housing where we are reducing the amount of energy necessary for housing, <br />13 there is also a way of reducing the amount of energy for lighting and you have noticed the <br />14 different color -coded lighting out there, there is yellow lights, there is the blue lights; there is the <br />15 white lights, there is the reddish lights. <br />16 <br />17 "There are certain types of these lighting that are high - energy consumption. And what <br />18 we are suggesting, at least at the public hearing stage, is the prohibition of mercury vapor <br />19 lighting which is as we have analyzed high energy consumption. And there is a chart which will <br />20 go next that just gives an example of some of the lighting fixtures that are out there and some of <br />21 the costs that accrue to the people who pay the bill afterwards. <br />22 <br />23 "Now we also understand that the costs of the initial installation is part of the capital <br />24 improvement and costs of providing these facilities, but also if you take a look at the cost of that <br />25 electric service afterwards by reducing this long term electric consumption, the need and <br />26 dependency on sources of electricity could be brought down. <br />27 <br />28 "Also another initiative that we are taking a look at is where possible, where feasible, <br />29 where applicable, we are encouraging the use of solar lighting , and solar lighting technology <br />30 just over the last five years has moved forward in leaps and bounds and we are interested in <br />31 proceeding with some sort of solar lighting application at our building in Orange County here <br />32 that was knocked down in a storm a few years and we are still without sign and without lighting <br />33 and so we hope to use and attempt -some new technology for solar lighting for that sign out <br />34 there. This is just a quick chart of energy conservation — low pressure sodium, 35 watts, <br />35 annual operating costs about $19.00, high pressure sodium —75 watt fixtures, about $30.00, <br />36 middle halide ?? - 100watt bulbs, $37.00 approximately, and mercury vapor —175 watts, <br />37 $67.00. <br />38 <br />39 "So you can see almost 3 and' /? times the cost of providing lighting with different types <br />40 of fixtures and applications. Now there is a combination- it doesn't mean that you have to <br />41 provide 3 and V? times as many lighting fixtures as low pressure sodium to make the project <br />42 work. This Is just an example of how we have done in energy conservation analysis to make <br />43 sure that future lights take that into consideration. The consequences we hope that the benefits <br />44 abound, better driving conditions still allowing for appropriate security for people that want to <br />45 preserve their property, using conservation measures to reduce our dependency on electricity, <br />46 using these solar opportunities, supporting the dark skies initiative so people can enjoy the <br />47 stars out there. And also taking a look at lighting so that it is used for its intended purposes of <br />48 security and invisibility and using the crime prevention through environmental design <br />49 techniques. So those are some of the positive consequences, we did not elucidate any other <br />50 issues that have negative consequences. . <br />51 <br />
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