Orange County NC Website
6.31.6 <br />Streets, 2001 ". Therefore, the mountable curb and gutter <br />section of the "Policies and Procedures for Accommodating <br />Utilities on Highway Rights of Way" shall apply. <br />F. Plan shall show consideration for energy conservation. <br />General Standards For All Areas: <br />A. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum light level shall <br />be 0.5 footcandle at any residential property line and 1.0 <br />footcandle at any non - residential property line. <br />B. All flood lights shall be installed such that the fixture shall <br />be aimed down at least forty -five (45) degrees from vertical, <br />or the front of the fixture is shielded such that no portion of <br />the light bulb extends below the bottom edge of an external <br />shield. <br />C. Any facilities that require floodlighting may not arrange the <br />light in such a way that it will shine towards roadways, onto <br />adjacent residential property or into the night sky. <br />D. All flood lamps emitting 1,000 or more lumens shall be <br />aimed at least sixty (60) degrees down from the horizontal, <br />or shielded such that the main beam from the light source <br />is not visible from adjacent properties or the public street <br />right -of -way. <br />E. All wall pack fixtures shall be full cutoff fixtures. <br />F. All lights shall be shielded in such a way as to direct light <br />towards the Earth's surface and away from reflective <br />surfaces, except as expressly exempted from the <br />provisions of these regulations. <br />G. Any temporary outdoor lighting that conforms to the <br />requirements of this Section shall be allowed. <br />Nonconforming temporary outdoor lighting may be permitted <br />by the Planning Director after considering: 1) the public <br />and/or private benefits that will result from the temporary <br />lighting, 2) any annoyance or safety problems that may result <br />from the use of the temporary lighting, and 3) the duration of <br />the temporary nonconforming lighting. <br />H. If any subdivision proposes to have installed street or other <br />common or public area outdoor lighting, the final plat shall <br />contain a statement certifying that the applicable provisions <br />of the Orange County Outdoor Lighting Standards will be <br />9 <br />