ORD-2003-034 - Proposed Zoning Ordinance & Subdivision Regulations Enforcement Procedures Amendments
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2003-034 - Proposed Zoning Ordinance & Subdivision Regulations Enforcement Procedures Amendments
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8/2/2011 11:44:14 AM
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ORDINANCE AS ADOPTED BY THE BOCC 15 <br />WIXOM <br />Section 2. (pages 79 through 80) Amend Subsection VII -E (Penalties for Violations) of Section VII <br />(Legal Status Provisions) of the Orange County, NC Subdivision Regulations to read as <br />follows: <br />SECTION VII. LEGAL STATUS PROVISION <br />VII -E. Penalties for VoolatoGn Enforcement <br />VII -E -1 Purpose and Intent <br />This Article provides for the methods of notification and penalties involved in enforcement <br />of this Ordinance. Whenever possible, it is desirable to gain voluntary compliance with <br />the provisions of this Ordinance without the necessity of pursuing formal enforcement <br />measures. <br />VII -E -1.1 Violations: Violators <br />VII -E -1.2 Violation <br />If a person who is the owner or the agent of the owner of any land located within the <br />territorial jurisdiction of Orange County subdivides his /her land in violation of this <br />Ordinance or transfers or sells land by reference to, exhibition of, or any other use of a <br />plat showing a subdivision of the land before the plat has been properly approved under <br />the provisions of this Ordinance and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds, <br />he /she shall be in violation of this Ordinance. The description by metes and bounds in <br />the instrument of transfer or other document used in the process of selling or transferring <br />land does not exempt the transaction from the enforcement provisions of this Ordinance. <br />For the purpose of Article VII -E of the GFaRge GGURty SubdiVISIOR Regulations this <br />Ordinance, the term "person" is defined to include but not be limited to any individual, <br />group of individuals, or any corporation, partnership, association, company, or business, <br />trust, joint venture, or other legal entity. <br />', <br />, <br />WIXOM <br />Section 2. (pages 79 through 80) Amend Subsection VII -E (Penalties for Violations) of Section VII <br />(Legal Status Provisions) of the Orange County, NC Subdivision Regulations to read as <br />follows: <br />SECTION VII. LEGAL STATUS PROVISION <br />VII -E. Penalties for VoolatoGn Enforcement <br />VII -E -1 Purpose and Intent <br />This Article provides for the methods of notification and penalties involved in enforcement <br />of this Ordinance. Whenever possible, it is desirable to gain voluntary compliance with <br />the provisions of this Ordinance without the necessity of pursuing formal enforcement <br />measures. <br />VII -E -1.1 Violations: Violators <br />VII -E -1.2 Violation <br />If a person who is the owner or the agent of the owner of any land located within the <br />territorial jurisdiction of Orange County subdivides his /her land in violation of this <br />Ordinance or transfers or sells land by reference to, exhibition of, or any other use of a <br />plat showing a subdivision of the land before the plat has been properly approved under <br />the provisions of this Ordinance and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds, <br />he /she shall be in violation of this Ordinance. The description by metes and bounds in <br />the instrument of transfer or other document used in the process of selling or transferring <br />land does not exempt the transaction from the enforcement provisions of this Ordinance. <br />For the purpose of Article VII -E of the GFaRge GGURty SubdiVISIOR Regulations this <br />Ordinance, the term "person" is defined to include but not be limited to any individual, <br />group of individuals, or any corporation, partnership, association, company, or business, <br />trust, joint venture, or other legal entity. <br />
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