Orange County NC Website
01. Ac;cela warrants and repmsents it has full auth,06ty * enter into ties A7eerrient and to tDr&jrmm -ace ttre "nsac*m cmtwrnpfated <br />hereby art mat t-im Agreemera is not in corAct with arty oti w Agreemart to which Acceta is a pasty at by wrtic.+t Q may be bo;.rnd. <br />.Ct1 Accab believes the'Softwarti to be accurate and rule. Much cane teas been taken in its paration; however, except as provided in <br />k13.00.03, the 'Software` is provided "as W, wt A wa l-4nty of any kk4 edhat expressed or " . eacoept as provided in M. below. tom event <br />wil Acosta be gable to user or awry other Pang for damagm nag lost profas, but savings of other kidsntat or =zequartal damages amkv out of <br />the use or hability to use the "S•aftWare <br />.t73. The -SoftwaW provided by A= a under tfft Ageernent is warranted to be free from reprodccfe defects for a period of ISO days from <br />the exerx bon of Ns a7eament At material arad tabor to MP-* any sarh defects will be provided free of c large for ft fig wamar y Period. <br />This warranty is void ff: <br />(a) -The `Software' is used in other than its moat ass nary marinw, <br />(b) A "Soltwam- has been mad to misuse: <br />(c) A - Software- has been to norm rebated by the custcaner wNhmA the egss prior consent and written approval of A=&4L <br />s s a <br />User hMMbY aOTxMfedgss that User has read this Agreerrre Mt understands k and agrees to be bourW by fts Wrm and cordWon& User fixer a7ses <br />tug ti is and wesn User and Acosta to the subject manor of rids t.ioerwe. tlscri' admwladges rocapt from Aaeta of a tue copy <br />AC CELA. W. <br />Typesf <br />tJraargrCa tc+f c USSR ACCEU <br />