2003 S Planning - Geo-Base/Land Management & Permit Information Tracking System ('Permits Plus)
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
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2003 S Planning - Geo-Base/Land Management & Permit Information Tracking System ('Permits Plus)
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Last modified
8/16/2012 11:45:03 AM
Creation date
8/2/2011 11:21:48 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-26-2003-8J
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2003\Agenda - 06-26-2003
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M <br />Third party applications (t.hcse appbcat)ons or fecOhits not supplied by Accela) whk h nvay utilize and rely on the data structure and specific <br />relationships may be adversely affected by these changes. Third party applications may be rendered inoperative, or produce results which are <br />Inatccurate or unreliable due to modifitoatiorm of the data structure. These anomalies. when created by changes in the 'Saffware- rata structure, <br />M"n third party applications am not the responsibility of Acosta nor covered under any level of software maintenance agreement_ <br />.06. Acosta. as a po6c. does not provide assistance or additional activity development on permit or activity types whist have been <br />developed by non - Acosta employees running in conjunction with the "Software". Acceta has no certification program for third party providers of <br />devoloOrrmntall services within the 'Software". nor does Acosta recommend the use of third party assistance provider. Activities and perm is <br />developed for agency €"•se are not covered by any level of software maintenance. <br />.07, A seta recommends and supports the nstwodc confiirjuratlorn as specified in the most recent release of the -Software` <br />imif+iementatim guide. No other network configurations. specifically any configurations dit%ring from those specifications are suppWed arg or <br />covered by arty sevet of software maintenance, Any assistance rendered in support of configurations not specificatfy approved in advance wig be <br />bitted at the preva#liig time and materials rates for such assistance. <br />.08. Arcola shat be entitled to rely upon as accurate and correct any specifications, criteria, maps or any other data fun F had by User <br />or others. If subsequerd errors are discovered in data fumishbd by User which necessitals redoing services, Acosta shad he compensated for <br />such extra services. Acosta stiadi not be f'iable to User for errors or orninions in data furnished by User. <br />s • a •mid. <br />IM Acosta std be responsible for delivery of the `Software" So rue Code to AcceWs escrow axocs-d. Soup gods for the nest Olzrent <br />version will be made avalL&ble frame the escrow agent to User <br />a) 'fie most triers version of the 'SoflwaW is not supported by Ac; eta. <br />In such cast, dies of the *$Oftwar+a• written by Acosta and dooumentation will be provldsd to the User under the tonym of the fi 94enanc a Agreement. <br />Source Code wd be made available for a fee end to the t.ioense l=ets. User has unrestricted access to the - Soft+timW It has accept from Aicootk fort <br />may not WanSfer source cote or documentation to any other agency, comrnercial or prtvale bus Zs under any oonddians. <br />.04. User shall include and shah not alter, netim&,* or camel, any copyright trade secret or other Proprietary notices on the "Software'. <br />.lam Tdie and ownership Its the 'Sow• and fntette WW Property P4ft is not hereby nor in any o9w way transkaod to ter User <br />acWsomb(Iges that Acosta retains the eicilusivo rigta to sek leans. license, assign, or otherwise transfer firs 'Software` (and any module thereolj and <br />that Acosta may eider fry sssA rhia ar identical c NwyMnC s of s'rr r or WwvkW A" wth other Accela cferifer. <br />.06. User may not rase or Permit ftclbsum of, or acesss to, the `Software• in whole, in part or in any form to MY person, porn, carpor.tiort <br />or other ardty who or wNch am not salaried employees cf the User witfioul the expressed prior written consent of Acosta. ACCEU.A acknowledges <br />that Customer is a governmental entity and as such is subject to regulations Wwornin9 public information. Customer wdl notify <br />event a request for inioenvdk may cnt�d mvt the terms cited herein, However. Customer will information in ace <br />m with the then <br />Preva g Imn 9ovemHhO wxh natters. ACCELLA agrees to hold Customer harmiless from the terms of Ns Agreement in such event with <br />Customer would have been in viaMIllon of pubic Worrnabon taws had Information been wdhheid. <br />M The User steal not m*e cqles of the *sOftwars• swept Umat reserve copies of a magnetically recorded ' SoftwaW that is delivered on <br />tape or nvW*bc disk mocfie may be made to pried arga °SoitwaW dosbuction for back -up procedures. <br />A13.00. WAftRAtInES. <br />i <br />t)► e zr h'C- Frcedac 3 (ZER ACOMk M -7 <br />
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