ORD-2003-036 - Personnel Ordinance Revision - Drug and Alcohol Testing
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2003-036 - Personnel Ordinance Revision - Drug and Alcohol Testing
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4/29/2013 12:57:30 PM
Creation date
8/2/2011 10:11:26 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-17-2003-9b
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20 <br />Attachment <br />Appendix A <br />Drug and Alcohol Testing Definitions <br />Alcohol: The intoxicating agent in beverage alcohol, ethyl alcohol, or other low <br />molecular weight alcohols including methyl and isopropyl alcohol. <br />Alcohol Test. A screening and confirmation test conducted by a trained Breath Alcohol <br />Technician (BAT) using an Evidential Breath Testing (EBT) device which measures the <br />presence of alcohol in the body. <br />Breath Alcohol Technician: An individual who instructs and assists individuals in the <br />alcohol testing process and is certified to operate an Evidential Breath Testing device. <br />Cancelled Test: In drug testing, a test that has been declared invalid by a Medical <br />Review Officer. A cancelled test is neither a positive nor a negative test. In alcohol <br />testing, a test that is declared invalid under 49 CFR 40.79 of the federal regulations. <br />Chain of Custody. Procedures designed to ensure proper handling, labeling, <br />identification, confidentiality and documentation of test samples. <br />County Safety Sensitive Positions: For purposes of Orange County drug and alcohol <br />testing, a County safety sensitive position is an Orange County position: <br />1. Requiring consistent and frequent repair, operation and maintenance of heavy <br />equipment, trucks, or automobiles (At least 40 percent of the time on a regular basis; <br />or positions in which equipment operation is an important and primary job task on a <br />periodic basis -- in contrast to positions where driving is involved to transport himself <br />or herself to other job sites); or <br />2. Working with large equipment or materials with a potential for hazards; or <br />3. Working in an independent setting with youth on a regular basis; or <br />4. Requiring the transportation of clients in the custody and care of Orange County <br />Human Service departments on a regular basis; or <br />5. Whose functions impact the rescuing of human life. <br />Covered Duties: Duties which are County safety sensitive as defined in the Safety <br />Sensitive definition in this Appendix, or duties which are FTA safety sensitive and <br />covered under the federal regulations as defined in the definition of Federally Required <br />Position Coverage in this Appendix. <br />Dru_g: An illegal drug or illegal use of a controlled substance identified under the "Drug <br />Test" definition below as prohibited. <br />
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