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The Board approved the execution of a contract between the N.C. Department of <br />Environment and Natural Resources and the Orange County Public Works Department for a solid <br />waste reduction grant in the amount of $5,000 for the year 2000. <br />o. Acceptance of Buy Recycled Grant <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the Consent Agenda far separate <br />consideration. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />a. Appointments <br />The Board considered appointments to the Commissioners' Affordable Housing Task <br />Farce, Innovation and Efficiency Committee, and Jury Commission. <br />Commissioner Gordon expressed a concern that the County staff was not represented in <br />the Commissioners' Affordable Housing Task Force. It was answered that Housing and Community <br />Development Director Tara Fikes would be representing the County staff. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that a Commissioner and Tara Fikes would be at each small <br />group meeting so that the task force stays on track. <br />Commissioner Gordon has no problems with the appointments, but she does think that <br />one other person from the County staff should be considered to spread the workload around. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the appointments as presented and listed below: <br />Commissioners' Affordable Housing Task Force <br />John Eckblad, Dan Coleman, Loryn Barnes, Chris Moran, Rachael Murphey, Runyan <br />Woods, Richard T. Brown, Jr., Joal Hall Broun, Mark Dorosin, Alex Zaffron, Jim Ward, Kevin Foy, <br />Bill Strom, Tara Fikes, and Mark Chilton. This is a short-term Task Force. Therefore, there are no <br />term ending dates for these appointments. <br />Innovation and Efficiency Committee <br />Curtis Bowe, Tristan English, Jerry Kruter, and Joe Phelps. This is a short-term Task <br />Force. Therefore, there are no term ending dates for these appointments. <br />Jury Commission <br />Judy Cax for a term ending June 30, 2002. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Prioritization Plan for Distribution of Hurricane Floyd Relief Funds <br />The Board considered adopting a resolution establishing the County's priorities far the <br />distribution of grant funds to residents who experienced property damage as a result of Hurricane <br />Floyd. <br />Commissioner Brown pulled this off the Consent Agenda because she felt that it was <br />important far the Commissioners and the citizens to knave that a section of Orange County that was <br />impacted by flooding could be a part of this federal program. <br />Rod Visser said that there were two property owners in the Heritage Hills Subdivision that <br />received damage last year from Hurricane Floyd and are eligible to have their property acquired <br />using federal grant money. He explained that the federal government has focused on acquisition <br />programs in terms of mitigation measures in the aftermath of Hurricane Floyd. <br />Commissioner Brown said that this was a perfect example of why the County was not <br />allowing people to build in flood plains and not channeling creeks. <br />