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c. Amendments to Orange County Private Road Standards <br />The Board was to consider proposed amendments to the Orange County subdivision <br />regulations regarding private roads. However, this item was postponed to a future meeting. <br />d. Richmond Hills -Preliminary Plan <br />The Board considered aconservation/cluster flexible development preliminary plan and <br />considered the appropriateness of a sewer system for the proposed Richmond Hills subdivision. <br />Jahn Link summarized by saying that there was considerable discussion at the last <br />meeting as to the pros and cons of the pump station versus the STEP system as the alternatives for <br />handling the waste water system. Paul Thames has worked with the proponents of this plan to <br />articulate the perspective of Habitat for Humanity and the staff. He said that there was no right or <br />wrong decision as it relates to which course of action the Board takes. He suggested that the Board <br />pursue the alternative that it feels most comfortable with, with the understanding that the issue of <br />maintenance will have to be revisited. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon to approve the STEP Sewer System, in its <br />capacity as owner of the Efland Sewer System as the approved connection method of Richmond <br />Hills Subdivision to the existing sewer system. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis feels that the County Commissioners have a responsibility to <br />affordable housing and that a pump station should be put in. He said that the STEP system would <br />put an additional burden on the homeowners of the Habitat for Humanity homes. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he has come to see that he agrees with Commissioner <br />Halkiotis because he feels that the pump station is a better choice in the long term. He said that, <br />whether the County Commissioners want it or not, they are in the water and sewer business in the <br />Efland area. <br />Commissioner Brown said that the County Commissioners did not have a water and <br />sewer plan in Efland, which is the main reason she does not want to see any expansion in this area. <br />If the County can move ahead with a water and sewer plan, she would feel comfortable moving <br />ahead with the pump station. This would be a commitment far the County Commissioners to move <br />ahead with a solid plan for water and sewer in the Efland area. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the pump station for Richmond Hills Subdivision, and not entertain any other pump stations <br />until a water and sewer policy is developed and approved for Efland. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the reason she supports the STEP system is that she <br />would also support a maintenance fund for Habitat for Humanity for this affordable housing project. <br />DOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Brown would like the County Attorney to came back with a comment about <br />the possibility of a moratorium on projects that require pump stations in Efland until a solid plan is <br />developed for water and sewer in this area. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked that the staff work with the developer on the names of the <br />roads. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Brown to <br />approve the preliminary plan for Richmond Hills Subdivision. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. The Woodlands (formerly Nine Gates) -Preliminary Plan <br />The Board considered a preliminary plan for the proposed Woodlands subdivision. <br />Craig Benedict said that this item was brought before the Commissioners in June, but <br />there was some public and Commissioner comments concerning the project. This item was brought <br />back to the Planning Board in late June to clarify the original vote, which was 4-4. The 4-4 vote by <br />the Planning Board had to do with the need or absence of the need of a turn lane on Jones Ferry <br />Road. The Planning Board voted unanimously to approve the project with the turn lane, since the <br />applicant had agreed to put it in. He summarized the project from the agenda abstract. He made <br />reference to the concerns addressed by the public and the Commissioners. He said that the turn <br />lane would be developed within the right-of-way so that there will not be encroachment upon private <br />lands. The amount of traffic impact does not warrant the necessity of a left-turn lane, however, the <br />