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Staff will contact the County Commissioners to be sure all questions are answered before <br />the next meeting. <br />m. Vrange County 5tormwater Program for Lands within Neuse Kiver basin <br />The Board considered an ordinance designed to improve water quality in the Neuse River <br />basin and to comply with N.C. Administrative Code Section 15A NCAC 26.0235. <br />Commissioner Brown asked what this program meant. Craig Benedict explained that <br />North Carolina passed rules two years ago that every county and local jurisdiction would have to <br />develop their own rules that would handle any properties within the Neuse River Basin, which starts <br />in Orange County and goes to the coast. There are two parts of the program -rules that have to do <br />with subdivisions, and rules that have to do with farms. The Planning and Inspections Department <br />will only be handling the rules that deal with subdivisions. The rules that have to do with farms are <br />handled by state agencies. He said that the staff has taken the state's model ordinance, made <br />some minor modifications to fit Orange County's profile, and tonight's action would be to transmit this <br />ordinance to the state far their review over the next two months. The state will send some <br />comments back to see if it conforms to their model. The Commissioners will be able to examine the <br />ordinance and then a formal ordinance will be passed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />adopt an ordinance designed to improve water quality in the Neuse River basin and to comply with <br />N. C. Administrative Code Section 15A NCAC 26.0235. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if this ordinance would affect the land use planning. Craig <br />Benedict said that this ordinance would strengthen and support all stream buffer requirements. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />o. Acceptance of Buy Recycled Grant <br />The Board considered a formal grant in the amount of $4,500 from the N.C. Division of <br />Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance to promote the use and purchase of goads with <br />recycled content by local governments and other public agencies. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if this was an educational effort. It was answered that one <br />part of the grant would be educational and the other aspect would be some policies about buying <br />recycled products. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested including Mebane, the Animal Protection Society and <br />other organizations that are heavily funded by the County including the Research Triangle Regional <br />Partnership. He suggested asking staff to come back with a proposed resolution by the Board to <br />make it a formal policy to buy only recycled products. This will be brought back on August 30tH <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he feels that a discussion between entities on bulk <br />purchasing needs to take place to reduce the cost of recycled products. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />accept a grant in the amount of $4,500 from the N. C. Division of Pollution Prevention and <br />Environmental Assistance to promote the use and purchase of goads with recycled content by local <br />governments and other public agencies. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />9. ITEMS FOR DECISION -REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. Appointments <br />The Board was to consider appointments to the Agricultural Preservation Board; <br />Alcoholic Beverage Control Board; Board of Health; Chapel Hill Planning Board; Horace Williams <br />Airport Advisory Board; Human Services Advisory Commission; Library Task Force; Little River Park <br />Advisory Committee; Orange-Chatham Justice Partnership; Orange County Board of Adjustment; <br />Orange County Planning Board; Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA}; and, Visitors Bureau <br />of Chapel Hill/Orange County, however this item was postponed to the next meeting. <br />b. Reconsideration of Pocket Park at Skills Development Center <br />The Board was to reconsider the construction of a pocket park at the Skills Development <br />Center. However, this item was postponed to a future meeting. <br />