Orange County NC Website
A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />adopt and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution establishing the County's priorities for the <br />distribution of grant funds to residents who experienced property damage as a result of Hurricane <br />Floyd as stated below: <br />Resolution of the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Adapting Prioritization Plan for <br />Voluntary Acquisition Activities <br />Through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) <br />For the County of Orange, North Carolina <br />WHEREAS, the County of Orange intends to obtain HMGP funds in order to conduct a voluntary <br />property acquisition program to remove residential properties from the threat of future flooding that <br />endangers life and property; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act requires that each <br />HMGP project be cost-effective; and, <br />WHEREAS, it is the finding of the State of North Carolina and the County of Orange that eliminating <br />exposure to the risk of future flooding is directly related to the cost-effectiveness; <br />NOW THEREFORE be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Orange that the <br />following methodology be established to prioritize purchasing of residential property from owners <br />who have expressed an interest in participation in the proposed voluntary acquisition program and <br />have been included in the HMGP Application for the County of Orange. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />h. Surplus Property Disposal 2000 <br />The Board considered approving a list of items to be declared as surplus, adopting a <br />resolution authorizing the purchasing director to conduct an auction of surplus property, and <br />establishing a method by which certain surplus personal computers would be distributed to non- <br />profit organizations funded by Orange County. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked that a staff analysis be done of the cars for the Sheriffs <br />Department. He wondered why the Craven Victoria was in poor condition at 109,000 miles and the <br />Caprices were in fair condition at 180,000 miles. <br />Commissioner Jacobs wants to knave haw the schools deal with surplus computers. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the schools try to auction off the surplus computers. <br />Commissioner Brown asked how the auction was advertised. Pam Jones said that it was <br />advertised in the newspapers and by the auctioneers. <br />Commissioner Brawn asked how computers were recycled. It was answered that the <br />electronics recycling business was just getting started. The Triangle J Council of Governments has <br />just started an Electronics Recycling Task Force to look at these issues. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />adopt and authorize the Chair to sign a resolution authorizing the Purchasing Director to conduct an <br />auction of surplus property, and establishing a method by which certain surplus personal computers <br />would be distributed to non-profit organizations funded by Orange County as stated below: <br />RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS, Orange County desires to dispose of surplus, confiscated, and abandoned property in a <br />manner prescribed by North Carolina State Law; and, <br />WHEREAS, Orange County has given its own departments and funded agencies the opportunity to <br />acquire this property prior to its disposal; and, <br />