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County could dictate. She feels it is very important to have as much water as possible for citizens in the <br />future. She supports the land use plan amendment because it is the only way the neighbors can get <br />mitigation. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if further discussion could be included in the public hearing in <br />August on the two distinct rural industrial node types, which would separate public uses from higher <br />intensity private uses. There was a consensus that this would be added to the advertisement for the <br />August 28, 2000 Quarterly Public Hearing. <br />Chair Carey said that this was a tough decision because he knows that there are differing <br />opinions about the projected safe yield. He said that the important thing is that OWASA will need as <br />much water as they can get because the population will continue to grow. He would like to approve the <br />recommendation of the staff sa the Board can attach same strong and important mitigation measures to <br />the Special Use Permit. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Brown in favor of <br />the administration's recommendation to approve JPA-1-00 and CP-1-00 land use plan amendments. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; No, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />b. America Online, Inc., Time Warner, Inc., and MediaOne fAT8~T1 Request to Transfer <br />Control and Ownership Among and Between the Entities <br />The Board reviewed a report on America Online, Inc., Time Warner, Inc., and MediaOne <br />{AT&T) Request to Transfer Control and Ownership among and between the entities and to consider a <br />resolution transferring ownership and control of Time Warner to AOL and MediaOne to AT&T. <br />County Manager John Link made reference to the memorandum from the County Attorney <br />dated June 23rd that sited some recent actions in federal court related to the open access issue involving <br />the merger of America Online, Time Warner, and MediaOne. These court cases have an impact on the <br />open access element of the resolution that the Board was to consider tonight. There has been, since <br />that time, negotiation within the Council of Governments, to work on a resolution to include or address <br />these actions that were brought about by the court action. The staff is asking that this item be delayed <br />until the Board of County Commissioners' meeting in August or the first meeting in September so that the <br />Cable TV Citizens Advisory Committee can have some input into the process. <br />Michael Patrick, Chair of the Cable TV Citizens Advisory Committee, said that there was a <br />meeting of the negotiating committee of Triangle J Council of Governments with Time Warner on <br />Monday of this week and Time Warner told the negotiating committee that it was willing to make an offer <br />on the re-franchising provisions that were consistent with what the City of Raleigh had recently adopted. <br />This would resolve mast of the major issues on re-franchising. He asked that this item be delayed until <br />mid August because of new developments in the legislation at the federal level. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if part of the negotiation was going to be to ask Time Warner to <br />voluntarily agree to open access. Michael Patrick said that Time Warner has agreed to provide open <br />access, but the committee was asking that it be mandated. <br />c. Resolution of Commendation -Commission for Women Transportation Crisis <br />Assistance Program <br />The Board considered a resolution commending the Commission for Women Transportation <br />Crisis Assistance Program. <br />Human Rights and Relations Director Annette Moore made comments and read the resolution <br />of commendation. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordan to <br />approve and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as stated below: <br />RESOLUTION <br />COMMISSION FOR WOMEN <br />TRANSPORTATION CRISIS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM <br />Whereas, the Orange County Commission for Women has a long and distinguished history of concern <br />for and assistance to women and their families; and, <br />