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something back to the Board if there is any mare movement on a specific proposal that involves the <br />Board's participation. <br />Commissioner Brown reported that she and Commissioner Jacobs co-chaired the first meeting of <br />the affordable hauling task force on June 27t", and there will be another meeting between now and <br />August. <br />Chair Carey said that he would try to get the other affordable housing task force going after the <br />break, because it would probably be September before all of the individuals of the group are in town at <br />one time. <br />Commissioner Gordon reported that the TTA Board of Trustees approved the phase II funding for <br />the 15-501 MIS study that the two mayors from Durham and Chapel Hill had asked the Board to <br />reconsider. She also reported that the Triangle J Council of Governments hired a new Chief Executive <br />Officer, Mr. Dee Freeman, Town Manager of Shelby. <br />4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />John Link reported that he had been informed verbally that the Orange County EMS staff has <br />received one of the Ralph Kettner Employee Awards far Innovation in Local Government. He referred to <br />the Paramedic Initial Response Program that Orange County initiated. As a result of this program, the <br />hospital cardiac arrest survival rate has gone from 6°lo to 20°fo. <br />5. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br />a. Request of American Stone Company, Orange Water and Sewer Authority and Philip <br />and Alice Durham to Amend the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and Orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan <br />The Board considered a decision on a request to amend the Joint Planning Area {JPA} Land <br />Use Plan and Land Use Element of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan. <br />Chair Carey said that this was not a public hearing, but a time to hear the Orange County <br />Planning Board's recommendation on this item. He asked the County Attorney to clarify the process. <br />County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill said that the Orange County Zoning Ordinance prescribes <br />the public hearing process for land use plan and zoning text amendments. The process is that there is a <br />joint public hearing with the Planning Board and the zoning ordinance calls for the County <br />Commissioners to receive the Planning Board recommendation and any information that was received <br />up until the Planning Board recommendation. This concludes the public hearing process unless the <br />County Commissioners elect to open it up again. The Board can re-advertise and start the public <br />hearing process over and then refer the information heard to the Planning Board far another <br />recommendation. After the public hearing is closed, anything said would be considered lobbying and <br />would be outside of the public hearing process. <br />Chair Carey suggested that after the Planning Board recommendations are heard and the <br />public hearing is closed, that five minutes be given for each side, the proponents and the opponents, to <br />speak. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill suggested that the Board consider the minutes of the Planning Board <br />meeting from June 21, 2000 as part of the public hearing process. <br />The Board decided to give 10 minutes for each side to speak after the public hearing was <br />closed. <br />Planner Gene Bell said that the staff was asking the Board to adopt two plan amendments <br />that were considered on April 12, 2000 at the Joint Planning Area Public Hearing: 1) JPA-1-QO - <br />expansian of extracted use plan category, which is 75.2 acres in two tracts {one owned by OWASA and <br />one awned by American Stone Company). This requires the approval of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and <br />Orange County to be effective. 2) CP-1-00 -Comprehensive Plan amendments, which is a request that <br />105 acres on the NW side of Bethel Hickory Grove Church Road and the 75.2 acres be designated as a <br />Rural Industrial Activity Node. This only requires the approval of the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners to be effective. The Town of Chapel Hill voted to approve the JPA-1-00 and Carrboro <br />deferred its action until August 15t". He said that the Planning Board deliberated far two hours an this <br />issue and recommended denial (5 for, 4 against}. The discussion mainly focussed an the concerns <br />2 <br />