Orange County NC Website
been a rise in the number of special events in which Brooks collects organics from on aone-time basis. <br />As with all customers, Brooks works with the individualized needs of the client to determine the best <br />solution regardless of the amount of waste produced. We see every client, small or large, as a valuable <br />customer that we can help to meet their goals. <br />Brooks Contractor does not limit itself on current collection methods to meet its ever-growing client <br />base. As the needs.of the industry change, we are prepared to offer services outside our current scope <br />of work that may better suit potential clients. This may include but is not limited to innovative <br />equipment designed specifically for optimization of food residuals collection. Brooks .Contractor will <br />continue to put the customer first, providing appropriate equipment to handle organic waste streams in <br />a mannerthat is effective and productive. ~ ~ '. <br />7. Projec# Approach <br />Brooks Contractor wishes to continue providing food residuals collection and composting services to <br />Orange County Solid Waste with a seamless transition into the proposed contract to collect organics. <br />Brooks Contractor and Brooks Compost Facility would be pleased to have the opportunity to continue <br />the closed loop system..that has addressed.the Cou'nty's needs since 1999. Please see preceding areas <br />within the proposal for more information-concerningprnject approach. The following addresses areas of <br />concern not mentioned elsewhere in the contract. <br />BrQOks will provide scheduled services permitting roadways are passable and containers are accessible. <br />During snow and/or ice Brooks may delay scheduled pickups to mid-morningor 12 noon to allow for <br />major roadways to be cleared. brooks will only proceed with schedule alterations upon discussion with <br />and approval fram.the County's designated contact. <br />In the event of predicted severe weather that has the potentiai to-halt area roadway travel, and upon <br />clearance of the County's point of contact,~roolCS may_opt to. dispatch an additional truck prior to when <br />severe weather conditions are to impact the area in order to avoid dangerous roadway conditions. This <br />insures that serviced containers will not be subject to overflow. Brooks will do all in its power to honor <br />-existing contracts and'commitments during severe weather. <br />8. Storage, Disposal, and Composting/Recycling/Digestion/Processing FaciJfties <br />TRUCK Number YEAR MAKE MODJrI <br />B-10 1994 Ford- LTC9000 <br />B-15 2000 Volvo WG64 <br />8-22 1995 Volvo WG64 <br />B-27 2002 Freightliner FL112 <br />8-30 2008 MACK Granite <br />B-31 2007 MACK Granite <br />6 <br />