Orange County NC Website
QUEStIOnS and Answers <br />1. What is the current pricing for the services? Are any fuel/energy surcharges applicable? Can <br />we view a recent invoice? Include any fuel/energy surchases in yout bid. Attached is -a copy <br />of an invoice <br />2. What does it mean under "D. Container Description" to have a "properly sealed" container? <br />We understand about non-leaking containment, but this seems to be referring to something <br />else. ?The container must have a lid or cover that closes tightly or is flush with the body of~ <br />the container t~o prevent rodents or any.other vectors from crawling in. <br />3. If the carts are required to have liners, vvhy ar-e #hey also required to be cleaned after each <br />service? Are all containers serviced after each service, without fail? Presently, in what manner <br />are they-cleaned? ?The carts are-not required to have liners. Only a few places use liners. <br />Even in the case of the lined containers, if bags breaks and/or the lids get food waste on <br />them, they are washed out. Ali containers are currently cleaned after every service. The 65 <br />gallon carts and the 6/8 yard dumpsters. They are sprayed out with a power washer using hot <br />water and degreaser/sanitizes and~then the water is-captured in the truck with the organic <br />waste. <br />4. fn gone place under "Proposal Deadline" the RFP references Thursday, May 17'h as the <br />submission date, but May 17~' is a Tuesday. Is May 17'h the correct day? N/A <br />5. This RFP could be seen as having a very short turn-around timeframe for responses. Is it <br />possible have an extension of one week far proposal submission and one month for service start <br />up? Getting specialized equipment in place in such a limited. time will be difficult. The due date <br />has been extended until May 24, 2011 at 5:00 pm. The first day of new Food.Waste and Organic <br />Waste-Contract shall 'be September 1, 2011. <br />6. While the service locations are listed, is it possible. to expand the- list to include the size of <br />containers and service fr-egUencies? An -invoice may supply that data.? This information is <br />attached <br />7, We are interested in more information as to what are .meant byMilestone dates". They <br />appear to be linked to payments, but it is unclear. Milestones not pertinent other than <br />requirement of startup dafie. Vendor will be paid for service <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />