Orange County NC Website
9. Pricing -The County prefers that the cost of service be quoted on a price per ton basis.. Please <br />consider that we average between 1,?50 and 2,000 tons of food waste annually. We hope to expand <br />the number of locations we service slightly each year and we hope to include the collection of up to 29 <br />school cafeterias in the coming years. Please include any other pricing structures for the County's <br />consideration. <br />10. Financial Capability and Insurance -This section must include an indication of financial capability <br />for handling services to be delivered, including Insurance Coverage <br />1 i. AlternativeProposals (optional) - if desired, this section .may include alternative Proposals for <br />performing Food and Organic Waste collection and processing. <br />H. Proposal Acceptance <br />The County may eliminate from consideration any proposal that is missing a substantial amount of <br />information or which deviates from the required format. <br />J. Selection Process <br />A selection committee shall be established by the County to review responses. The committee shall <br />screen fihe proposals based. on the following criteria (order of list does not imply rank of importance of <br />criteria): <br />1. Understandirig of and familiarity with services sought by County <br />2. Project-personnel, personnel experience, and use of subcontractors <br />3. Proposer's experience and operation r-ecord, including and past experience with providing similar <br />services to ether jurisdictions <br />4. Proposer's technical expertise, knowledge, and understanding of applicable laws, rules, and <br />regulafions. <br />5. Proposer's project approach <br />6. Facilities to be used to process /.managB collected waste materials <br />7. Type of Equipment.used for collection and processing <br />8. End product being produced with organic waste <br />9. Cost of providing. services (Per collection. location, per'~bn, etc.) include cost of materials if applicable <br />i.e. compostabie liners. <br />10. Financial ca{~acity for handling sentices, including insurance coverage, and Proposet's ability to <br />protect County from liability associated with-operating the food and organic waste collection program. <br />11. Refer-ences, including accurate listing of contact infomlation far contacts {as lndicated• in Section IV, <br />Subsection G #5). <br />After ranking the firms' proposals based on the- above criteria, interviews may, at the discretion of the <br />County, be conducted with the top ranked firm(s). The committee's recommendation, along with a <br />negotiated contract will be_ submitted-to the Board of Orange County Commissioners for approval. <br />