Orange County NC Website
viii. Each service vehicle must not leak collected organic material and/or fluids, and the exterior <br />of vehicles should be reasonably clean and represent the County in a professional. manner; <br />ix. Each -sendce vehicle must meet all Federal, State and local regulations and be equipped <br />with a spill kit to assist in the cleaning of any fluid leaks ar spills including diesel fuel, <br />hydraulic fluid, ofl, etc. <br />x. 1Alork with the County and generator to determine the minimum number of service <br />' containers needed for collection. ' <br />xi. Guarantee that properly separated. food waste and organic waste material will .not be <br />landfilled. <br />III. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SELECTED CONTRACTOR . <br />A. Reporting <br />Beyond those requirements listed in Section II, Subsection F, Contractor shall submit monthly and annual <br />reports to the County. The required monthly reports shall be submitted with invoice for services, and shall <br />include: <br />• itemization of alt charges to County for materials used (if applicable), cost per ton, and total tonnage; <br />• Total~weights collected for each collection day for each business; <br />• Total weights collected from each business in the program for that respective month. <br />Required annual reports are to include summaries of the above information, and are to be submitted by <br />August 1 n of each year. <br />B. insurance Requirements <br />All insurance requirements are included in the County's Service contract which. is Included. The <br />successful contractor shall be xequired to enter into the Service Contract <br />Evidence,of insurance must be provided with the proposal. <br />C. Term <br />The term of the Contract shall be for a five (5) year period beginning upon the date of execution of the Contract <br />and #erminating five (5.) years~from the effective date provided~~that: <br />• funds are authorized annually by the Board of Orange County Commissioners; <br />• neither County nor the Contractor desire to alterihe terms of the contract during the five year period, and <br />• the Contract is not otherwise terminated through provisions of another clause of the Contract. <br />At the close of the in~ial five (5) year term the contract may be extended at the option of County and with the <br />agreement of Contractor tv include up to two additional two year renewal periods. <br />N. PROPOSAL PROCEDURES <br />A. Proposed~Time[ine <br />The proposed timeline for t-he RFP process and program implementation is as follows: <br />April 29, 2011.- RFP 367-5175 is issued <br />May 6, 2011 at 3:00 PM -Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting <br />May 10, 2011 at 3:00 PM -Deadline for written questions <br />May 17, 2011 at 5:00 PM -RFP submissions are due <br />